Update v0.90.5 - Consolidation

Author: From Steam
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024
Game: DinoSystem
DinoSystem Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Early Access
Developer: Daniele Ferraro
Release Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015

This update IS compatible with savegames from previous v0.88.0+!


- Minimum zoom expanded by 2x.


- Animal sound produced when poisoned has pitch increased if it's young, just as other sounds.


- Combat Stance message will now also show when enabling it by equipping a weapon.
- Added new hints for disabling Combat Stance and Sneaking.
- Improved hints appearing when failing at lighting fire.
- Minor changes to some game messages.
- Debug info (toggled with F3) text format improved.


- Changes to Control Mode/Mouse Attack options and Combat Stance:
    *Control Mode "Mixed" setting replaced with "Standard" (which is now the default setting). Standard is like Keyboard, but the character turns with the mouse only when in Combat Stance, to make melee combat more intuitive and less frustrating.
    *Mouse Attack now only triggers during Combat Stance, for both RMB and LMB.
    *Mouse Attack option is now ON by default.
    *Improved tooltips for Control Mode and Mouse Attack options.
    *In Combat Stance, mouse cursor turns into a sword.
    *Combat Stance is now disabled also when removing a weapon in Equip Mode, dropping it when hit by a dinosaurs and when using the left hand to hold an item.
    *When enabling Combat Stance, any item held with the left hand is dropped.
    *If Control Mode is "Standard" or "Keyboard", new character starts by facing the shore instead of the mouse.

- Pressing ESC will directly show the Exit Menu while the player was in selection/crafting mode, instead of just interrupting it, and will now also interrupt Pulling.


- Chance to be cut/hit/bruised during various actions now scales with current health (by 60%), simulating increased awareness while in life danger; to balance this, the chance reduction from the related skill has been decreased from -80% to -66% (at max skill lvl).
- Skill progression decay rate decreased by ~10% (reverted change from latest update).
- Athletics/Endurance/Toughness/Digging skills increase rate slightly reduced.
- Wetness increase from rain rebalanced again to be MUCH SLOWER under poor cover (like trees), instead of reaching and mantaining 100% Wetness.
- Temperature reduction from exposition to snow is no longer reduced by Wetness (was not intended, should be considered bugfix).
- Wetness threshold after which firemaking become impossible increased from 66% to 100% (which means being wet is less punitive for lighting fire).
- Fire Pit reduces negative impact to firemaking from Wind Exposure by 50%.
- Firemaking action progression slightly reduced, to balance after the above changes.
- Finding water by digging on a lakebed will now shrink it, instead of expand it.
- Expanding a lakebed by digging will now slowly spill some of its water away.
- Added subtle screen shake when landing from a jump or a push (intensity depends on body weight).
- Added a tiny easter egg for the female character :D.


- Animals now also de-facto receive damage from poisonous Mushrooms (depending on color), instead of just reacting to it.
- Newborn animal gender selection is now more random (but still partially based on gender discrepancy in the species, which is needed because of the low population represented in DinoSystem).


- Damage magnitude from poisonous Mushrooms is no longer totally random, but it too depends on the color (with a slightly random coefficient). This means if, for example, a green mushroom is just mildly poisonous, you'll want to remember for the next time that green can be relatively safe (especially if cooked).
- Mushroom spores can now be preserved in arid terrain (just like vegetation seeds), and released when the aridity turns into fertility.
- Mushroom "organism" propagation system revisited, to allow it spreading more naturally.
- Spawning chance for edible Mushrooms increased.
- Reduced chance vegetation seeds "preserved" in arid terrain decay every ingame year.


- Volcano shape and collision box improved (more coherent with its actual borders).


- Tutorial setting doesn't automatically disable in Realistic+ difficulty, it just doesn't show it, you can still create a new character and follow the tutorial in Normal difficulty without having to re-enable the setting.
- Various small improvements to the Survival tutorial.


- Fixed Player Creation Screen not reporting the character weight contribution from Body Muscle, and showing a much lower Body Weight.
- Fixed pressing the attack key/button while Pulling, enabling Combat Stance without interrupting Pulling (and showing 2 right arms).
- Fixed particle effect showing on the right shoulder instead of the hand, when gathering from tree or rock.
- Fixed some minor character animation issues.
- Fixed some possible bugs in the Survival tutorial.
- Fixed zooming with the mouse wheel allowing to zoom out indefinitely (sorry had to fix it, but zooming in God mode has been expanded!).
- Fixed "Missing cursor text" appearing on mousehover over Mushrooms in some circumstances.
- Fixed Carcasses generated at new game not showing the animal species name when inspected with X/MMB.
- Fixed a rare instance where animals could have Thirst < 0 after eating, for a few seconds.
- Fixed a rare instance where animals could get stuck with the "puking" animation, especially after loading a save.
- Fixed "Credits" and "Resolution" pages having their text and buttons not aligned with the background.
- Fixed application icon not always showing as intended.

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