Build 1.1 Released - Full Patch Notes

Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2023
Game: NeonXSZ
NeonXSZ Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG
Developer: Intravenous Software
Release Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016

Flight Stick Support Added.

You asked for it, so we added it and a whole lot more.

Click to see the full list of changes in build 1.1


  • Joysticks are now recognized by the game and can be configured in the Controls menu
  • Default Secondary Keybindings have been reworked to match Xbox Controllers
  • Ambient Occlussion video option added. This will be on by default when using the High, and Ultra graphics presets. It will need to be enabled manually if you are using custom video settings.
  • New Bloom added. This new bloom effect adds additional contrast to bright effects and smoother bloom around bright objects. It replaces the old bloom effect.
  • While the player is below Tech Level 4, the maximum tech level of hostiles spawning in the highways directly connected to the players start position has been reduced to Tech Level 3. This should make life much easier and more intuitive for new players. This change also massively reduces the chance that lethal enemies will fly into these areas.
  • Weapon sound effects significantly improved.
  • New button added to the upgrade panel to toggle between displaying upgrades in ascending or descending order. This allows the highest level upgrades to be displayed first.
  • Newly discovered upgrades and hulls (those which have been recently looted to 100%) are now marked with a yellow star in the upgrade and hull windows respectively.
  • Yellow stars now also appear over the various slot type buttons in the upgrade panel if any upgrade for that slot type is marked as newly discovered.
  • By using the "-force-d3d9" command line argument, the game will now run in Fullscreen Exclusive mode on Windows. This resolves issues with Gsync monitors.

For a selection of before and after screenshots for the new Ambient Occlussion and Bloom effects see this post:

Balance Tweaks

  • After the player has used Blind on a target, that target now has a 70% chance to instantly target and attack the player once the Blind debuff clears.
  • Railgun base damage reduced from 61 to 55, and range reduced from 250m to 200m
  • MagnaBeam damage increased by 7% from base 3 to 3.21
  • Laser Cannon base damage increased from 48 to 54
  • Flak Cannon base damage per projectile increased from 6.9 to 8 per projectile. Each shot has 8 projectiles.
  • Reputation loss for killing friendlies capped at 225 points. (Previously 10% of total reputation with no cap)
  • Uranium loot drop size and task rewards increased by 25-40%.

  • Homing missiles will now only begin homing once they have reached 25% of their maximum range. This allows the player to fire missiles around corners, and also makes dodging missiles a little easier especially in close quarters combat.
  • Firefly missile turn speed reduced from 9 to 7. Missile speed reduced to 100 from 120
  • Lancer missile turn speed reduced from 5.2 to 4. Missile speed reduced to 55 from 70
  • Disarmer missile turn speed reduced from 5 to 3. Missile speed reduced to 45 from 70
  • Maverick missile turn speed reduced from 4.4 to 4. Missile speed reduced from 100 to 70
  • Crippler missile turn speed reduced from 9 to 6. Missile speed reduced from 100 to 70

  • Thunder missiles have been buffed to make them a much more viable choice
  • Thunder missile damage increased from 85 to 145.

Other changes

  • Delete key is no longer reserved and is bindable
  • To clear a keybinding, press Escape (rather than Delete) while binding a key
  • Instances of the word 'gamepad' have now been replaced with 'controller', in the controls menu, to cover both gamepads and joysticks.
  • 'Invert Y-Axis' Controls label renamed to 'Invert Mouse Y-Axis". For controllers simply rebind the controller axis at the bottom of the list of Controls.
  • Motion Blur disabled by default in all graphics presets. This can still be enabled/disabled manually via the 'Manual Setup' video preset.
  • Upgrade incompatibility warning messages updated for improved clarity.
  • The Energy Efficiency statistic is artificially inflated before calculating Overall Efficiency for the Statistics panel. The Energy Efficiency panel now shows the real value rather than the inflated value.
  • 'Press Spacebar to fire missiles" added to level 1 main tutorial messages to better ensure new players know that they exist
  • 'Mouse1' keycode reworded to 'Right Mouse Button' during level 1 main tutorial messages (if this key hasn't been rebound to something else)
  • New 'Missiles' page added to the help manual to ensure players know that missiles regenerate and should be used freely
  • Intermediate guide title page altered in the help manual to encourage further reading
  • Weapon hit notification sound volume reduced by 30%
  • New Xbox Controller 'Default Secondary Controls' page added to the in-game help system.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some particles would receive a black border while using the 'Edge Effect' video option.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'show installed upgrade' button could remain greyed out after installing an upgrade into an empty slot.
  • Fixed an issue that would create two weapon amplifier upgrades with the same version number.

A big thanks to everyone who helped playtest all of the above changes in our Public Test branch over the last couple of weeks.

Build 1.1 is now live for everyone.

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