
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2024
Game: Anyland
Anyland Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, Massively Multiplayer
Developer: Anyland + Manyland
Release Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2016
Hello everyone! Here's what's new recently!

- You can now move the text cursor while typing! Just tap the 4 new hit boxes on the text input field as shown here http://anyland.com/image/textCursor.png

- Putting on body attachments has been made easier! Thanks everyone!

- We fixed an issue with area renaming validation! Thanks Rage!

- Amplified speech is now with a 3d origin position, so it's easier to know who's speaking if they carry a microphone item or ate a telecookie!

- We fixed an issue with typing underscores in texts!

- The friends dialog now has proper area people count icons, like in the area dialog!

- You can now delete placements from afar! Just context-laser them, then press the grip (Vive) or thumbstick (Oculus), and a Delete button will appear in the dialog.

- You can now create 12 hour format clocks! Thanks Overvisor!

- You can now tick "Replace instances in area" while creating to have the thing's new version be automatically used for all other same things in the current area! Thanks Fazzi & everyone!

- You can now go to http://in.anyland.com to see who's on! (If you don't want to appear there, you can unselect Me -> ... -> I'm findable. This will also hide your current area in the friends dialog.)

- There's a new thing attribute "Invisible to me when worn"! Thanks Fazzi, Jinx, everyone!

- The text of something you just editor-placed will now always show, even when it was previously hidden by the distance-optimizer! This also solves a "Cards Against AL" issue with cards not showing their text. Thanks Sakhado!

- We fixed another texture-glitch related loading issue that might have made some areas very slow to load! This should vastly improve the loading speed of affected areas, like "Cards Against AL".

- We fixed an issue where the area dialog would sometimes not properly load for you if you aren't editor in the area!

- When pasting a local image path for reference when the Create Thing dialog is open, you can now also use paths like "C:\foo\hello.jpg" (instead of only "file:///c:/foo/hello.jpg")!

- There's now quite a few more characters you can enter for text creations, like "%", "&" and "#"!

- The font shown on the first first font page's center didn't work, that's fixed now! Thanks Fazzi!

- The copy & paste buttons at the bottom of the state script dialog now show info labels when pressed! Thanks Choates, Axel, everyone!

- There were issues with always properly stretching objects with images on them, these are now fixed! Thanks Axel!

- You can now also non-proportionally resize cubes with pasted Steam image URLs, by first picking the Me "..." setting "Disable all snapping"! Thanks Axel!

- We fixed an issue where sometimes, the area creation dialog would tell you that you reached the creatable area limit when you didn't!

- You can now send onto markers at a specified rotation, like "When touched then send nearby to Buildtown onto Marker15 at -45 degrees"! Thanks Fazzi!

- There's now an info 🛈 button to show help for every Thing, Thing Part, Me and Area setting (before, it showed only on some buttons on these dialogs)!

- We fixed an issue where a certain glitchy object would slow down the loading of an area (like in the area "Spiders Arts")! Thanks Spider!

- There are new text placeholders you can use: (shows the hour of your local time when attached to the body), and (showing a list of everyone in the area)! Thanks Sakhado & everyone!

Thanks everyone for suggestions, feedback, and for being in Anyland! Hope you enjoy!

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