Early Access? You decide!

Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024
Dungeon Runner Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Jonathan Öhrström
Release Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2023
Previously when people asked me about Dungeon Runner and the possibility of EA (Early Access) I've simply told them that it's probably not going to happen. I've just had this feeling that people don't want EA on a game like Dungeon Runner.

But after some careful- and some confusing thoughts, I've decided to leave it up to you! Yes, you exactly! Not that previous guy, I don't like him that much to be honest...

So I'm asking you now, would you like Dungeon Runner to be available to Early Access with something like 50 complete levels (5 chapters) at first and then gradually releasing chapter after chapter until we hit the full release!
It's your decision, if enough people want EA, then that'll probably happen. But if not, it'll continue in the currently planned development cycle!

Have a great weekend!


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