MAJOR Update #1 Coming, Free Key Contest, The Release State, Roadmap Preview

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023
Game: 0 Day
0 Day Game Banner
Genre: Violent, Action, Adventure, Indie, Strategy, Early Access
Developer: Zero Day Games
Release Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2016
Several Months of Catchup:

(Short summary of all the text at the bottom)

Been busy, the contest is still going on, so there is still time to get in the top 20. The next update is getting close to being ready, there are a few rare bugs that end up dropping performance that need to be addressed to maintain the experience smoothly. We had a trailer available, but it got left on a laptop that is getting repaired, so to give you a small idea of what to expect, here is the patch notes so far explaining what is coming up, and an idea of what will be coming along in the near future, and more useful information. (Trailer coming soon, lol)

Upcoming Update's Patch Notes:

Cities are now populated with added military allies and terrorists who are engaged in a firefight. Your best interest would be to help the military, who will help you kill the terrorists and the zombies.

Tactical AI: Soldiers(Includes Enemy Soldiers) will act on their line of sight, if close enough, can see if they are being aimed at, and may utilize cover, reposition for the upper hand, dynamically. No predetermined hiding spots, that gets repetitive and boring..

Soldiers will communicate locations to call for backup, when arrived they may use flanking and other tactics to get an upper hand in position.
(Balancing this is a work in progress)

Full upper body skeletal system. The upper body, head, etc, will rotate or bend allowing realistic strafing and movement when aiming their weapon and allowing them to "run n gun"

Slow Motion/Bullet Time
More Blood, It gets Messy
More polished weapon throwing physics.
Option to Pull Weapons towards you instead of picking up by hand.
Option to disable Jetpack for those with motion sickness.
(Differant flight types will be available as well, however we will include the old version for those who like it with a big warning)
Improved Touchpad experience
More options
More Locations
Interactable City Objects
Added Sound Effects
Performance management to keep the game stable during those large ragdoll and physics related scenes.
Zombies will no longer die from 1 hit to the head, but several.
Option to enable health bars.
Zip Lines
Climbable Structures(like that spider guy)
Secret Areas
Additional Zombie Behaviors

6 new Military Allies
6 new Terrorists

We have also been working on increasing the team and our resources, so expect to see more coming.

Mini Map
Mini games
More Leaderboards with Prizes
Trading Cards
Build System
More Complex Scoring System
Differant Enemy Types

As far as the state of release, we feel that the game is far from finished, and to be honest, 0 Day was designed to, hence the name 0 Day, to provide vr mechanics that were not available in other titles at the time it was first designed, so it is safe to say it never will be "finished" and we will never be satisfied. 0 Day will remain the place we will be going back for testing and providing new mechanics as 0 Day will also be the future testing grounds when we start providing other games in the future. That being said, when we actually do reach a point of having a more complete experience, 0 day will still have very active beta branches and will have new mechanics introduced consistently down the line, along with getting first notifications and opportunities to test future games for free. Your support has helped us get started and VR is still new ground, and too many larger studios are taking shortcuts using old techniques in vr that kill immersion for some people... That being said, be prepared for a huge amount of changes, as we have been playing catchup. The build available right now will be soon moved to another branch to allow those who like the old version to go back to it when they want.

So to summarize, (after the following months), the game will change dramatically with additional content, AI, movement mechanics, more stuff to do, more interactable objects, more things to find, more things to kill, and some new features that make you feel like a badass.

We will want to hear feedback, especially if theres something you dont like, and we are always open to more ideas and hearing your opinion!

We think showing the players, even new ones, the build from last year and then receiving the upcoming update will allow you to see if we missed something, could have done something better, or if we shouldnt have changed or done something at all.

We are about to make a a huge feature release, so we want to hear what you think about the direction we are heading as well.

Thank you for your support, and we appreciate your patience as we have been working nonstop to provide a unique experience as you save the city from those terrorists and the infection.

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