ZPG Update - Changelog v1.0.008 - 2017/07/16

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023
Zombie Playground™ Game Banner
Genre: Violent, Gore, Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG
Developer: stealth.gg
Release Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2016
-----This Version 1.0.008:

-----Major Changes
- Added DLC pet ‘Midnight with Lantern’
- Added more water fountains to Gym and hallways leading to Gym
- Fixed default resolution from using Low Quality video settings on first boot
- Video Resolution Settings fixed, get game window res rather than desktop res
- Save screen res, full screen and quality settings in playerprefs + restore on boot
- Added Replay mission button to results screen, it does not show in an online game
- Full Screen/Windowed mode checkbox now force saves
- Quality Settings renamed to be easier to understand

Previous Version(s):

-----Major Changes
- Added: New expanded level area - Gym
- Added: New expanded level area - Upstairs
- Added: 10 new missions with some story elements
- Added: New mission elements/objectives/spawns/triggers/dynamics
- Added: in-game NPCs
- Added: Janitor encounter in Gym
- Added: Alienware Arena Capes/Backpacks
- Added: Halloween Unlockables and props
- Added: Holiday DLC and props
- Added: Kickstarter Rewards
- Added: More in-game items/unlockables and props
- Added: More music and music transition areas in-game
- Added: More audio fx in-game (static and non-static)
- Added: More visual fx in-game
- Added: Tutorial Mission
- Added: Missions now have playCount
- Added: Set dressed Music/Computer areas & updated older areas
- Added: Reddit zombie pictures to Gym hallways (thanks guys!)
- Added: Original Soundtrack DLC
- Added: DX11 compatibility
- Added: New (and more) particles, weapon effects, and general special effects
- Added: Openable/Destructible lockers, barrels, furniture, doors, props
- Added: Audio to movable objects/destructibles
- Added: Water fountains that heal when destroyed
- Removed: all previous missions

-----Bug Fixes General
- Set the Main Music to play when back in any Menu screen.
- Fixes for inventory and options screen being wrong sizes at different aspect ratios
- Fix up relative sizes of Options and Equipment screens
- Fix Results Screen
- Fix for projectiles going backwards sometimes
- Fixed a couple of Janitor transitions.
- Fix for Cursor lock when starting game
- Some changes to cursor show/hide
- Stop music restarting if switching to the same track
- Rebuilt how the inventory screens get built
- Force Entries (inventory) to be populated if it is empty
- Attempt to fix Keyboard/Joypad navigation of Main Menu
- A workable fix for 21:9 screens and the accessories screen
- Fix spacing of options buttons
- Stop XP Cost appearing for items with none
- Added an extra null check on the cone attack
- Propagate hitCollider in all the places for all remaining weapons/projectiles
- Fix lockup in finishers
- Fixes for trying to hit enemy weapons with finishing moves
- Fixed many duplicate submeshes when combining meshes +use new LightProbe API usage
- Fix Selected Text on equipment buttons
- Fixed broken Credits screen
- Complete rework of Navigation mesh
- Fixed gap in collision on gym upper floor wall
- Many animation adjustments/fixes
- Default mouse sensitivity lowered
- Default camera positioning for stances adjusted
- Put Enemy spawns back under the vault, looks like it was causing an issue.
- Quality Settings update (adding some platforms)
- Added Submit and Cancel the key and gamepad maps, Made most list boxes auto scroll better
- Music no longer cuts out when loading and no more audio listener warnings
- Equipment screen now works with keyb/controller
- Set Vsync on in menus and off in game
- Slightly wider Equip Screen character view
- Auto hide scroll bar on Equip Panels
- Fixed UI scaling for main menu in Ultra Wide setups
- Fixed bug with level reloading if pressing button before a level was loaded (some users got trapped in the equipment screen)
- Fixed a bug that was braking the player controls after destroying barrels
- Fixed a bug that was avoiding zombie respawns until the game was restarted

-----Bug Fixes Networking (Beta)
- Fix null ref when hitting NPC kids
- Make Clients not have an Accept button on Results
- Fix NPC not disappearing when activated in network play FFS
- Fixed stacking abilities on Zombies and Kids in online
- Fixed overlapping scrollview in Online missions
- Increase Steam not connected timeout to 1.0s / Make Steam try to startup 3 times
- Fixed a bug that was causing remote players not dying properly
- Add scrollbar to Create Room

- Complete codebase & art asset revisit/optimization
- Complete level (mesh) modularity rebuild/update/optimization/occlude
- Complete asset (mesh) optimization
- Any remaining mesh collision removed and replaced with box or sphere
- Complete audio overhaul/organization/optimization, now 3 to 4 times more efficient
- Remove Meshes, Materials etc. from Sound Triggers
- Adding Rigid Bodies to Pickups - Made Pickups Faster
- Adding Kinematic Rigidbodies to rigs to speed them up
- Set all the Particles to not be Static - Physics Update no longer top 2 in stack.
- Set Music tracks to be streaming. Saves loading 309MB of music into memory all the time
- Optimise some set transform parents as it can now be done when instantiating a Game Object
- Instantiate optimisations / Remove unneeded fixed function call
- 200+ textures moved to use Atlasing for fewer draw calls
- All textures and materials optimized
- All decals optimized - many new decals added
- All particles and fx optimized
- Add Material Switch to shaders
- Realtime point lights can now be occluded by a distance
- Texture and overall graphic fidelity improved
- Lots of online coop bugs squashed, but there’s still more, online should be considered ‘Beta’
- Removed all baked light nodes on build

-----Known Issues:
- Missions don’t always synchronize properly for players in coop
- There are positions that players can exploit to kill zombies without danger of getting hurt
- There are some AI issues with the boss
- Zombies pop onscreen from nowhere (type of occluder issue)
- Camera clipping through walls/ceiling
- Mouse pointer pops up in-game (tapping ESC twice is temporary fix)
- Mouse wheel does not consistently scroll in the UI
- Pets can get stuck, bark too much

-----Please Give Us Feedback/Bug Reports On:
- How do you feel about PvP? Do you want it?
- Would you like to play as a Zombie character?

-----Network Functionality (Beta):
- Is it working? What problems are you having? How are you encountering them?
Brief Explanation of Issue
Where You Encountered It
How It Happened / Conditions (how many players/zombies/equipped weapon/location/were you using a skill?/etc.)
Can you make it happen again?

Write your comment!