ver. - Create Your Own Endless Maps
Author: indiefoldcreator
Tue, 18 Jun 2024
Game: Gun Bombers
A major reason for this update is moving Gun Bombers to GameMaker Studio 2 for future compliance. Everything should hopefully work the same with some added performance gains - My laptop showed a roughly 20% increase in fps but your mileage may vary.
Of course just updating the game engine isn't that interesting so we did more; You can now create your own Endless maps that come with their own leaderboards! At the same time we also removed the 2 player gap that used to be in Endless Coop mode. For more thrills we've introduced a new Challenge mode where we will occasionally showcase an interesting Endless map from the community. The Map Editor in general has had more love with handy shortcut keys and other new tools.
Other notable mention is the return of the original Peekaboo mode as some players were keen on getting that back. This is an alternative option and doesn't replace the current mode.
- Upgraded to a newer version of game engine
- Create your own Endless maps and compete in global leaderboards
- Challenge mode for community picked Endless maps
- Endless: Play coop with any number of players
- Endless: Base item descriptions at beginning of game
- Game Setting: "Peekaboo Alt" visibility mode for the "original peekaboo" where explored areas remain visible
- Setting: Toggle Minimap on/off for zoomed in state
- Map Editor: FOW tool
- custom visibility areas
- Map Editor: Hotkeys available for many actions
- Map Editor: Specify target area for Steam Preview screenshot
- Ability to Cancel Reload when holding 'R' (or your custom key) for half a second
- Smoke expands quicker
- Taser can disable any bomb (including turret)
- Sawed-off reload time reduced by 1s
- Player grunts are heard when hit by flash grenade
- Portal is animated
- Setting: Removed Vertex Buffer option (deprecated in new engine)
- Setting: Vsync default is 'off'
- Tutorial: Removed Minimap
- Tutorial: Removed Portals
- Endless: Generator sound is lower/higher depending on distance
- Black Screen on startup bug (new Windows updates look to have resolved this)
- Bomb timers are visible when under smoke
- Enemy has issues with base doors
- Flamethrower does not pass open doors
- Steel and Wood blocks not obstructing enemies when part of custom map
- Infinite Ammo setting places bulletproof vest and pickaxe to weapon inventory
- Map Editor: Replacing snowman with sand fails
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