IndieGala "Crystal Anime" Bundle
Author: indiefoldcreator
Wed, 25 Dec 2024
Game: A Foretold Affair
Hey-o! A Foretold Affair is in the IndieGala "Crystal Anime" Bundle ! Get the game, plus nine others, for only 3.99$ for the first 24 hours! Wow, such a deal. The bundle will go for another 20 days after that at a somewhat higher price.
We can’t see the future like Buffalo Seer, but we know it’s going to be a long time before the game is at this price point again, haha. In all seriousness, this would be a really good time to get AFA if you've ever been interested.
We can’t see the future like Buffalo Seer, but we know it’s going to be a long time before the game is at this price point again, haha. In all seriousness, this would be a really good time to get AFA if you've ever been interested.
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