Age of the Free Agents Update and the free Upgrade 01/19

Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2025
Game: Sirius
Sirius Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Simulation, Early Access
Developer: Digital Dawn Studios
Release Date: Mon, 01 Jun 2015
Hello folks!

Age of the Free Agents slowly nears its release with more and more features fully working and a proper Team slowly assembling. This means its is Time to detail things to you.

The Shop Page should go live in a few days, and, even if some believe so, I have not forgotten my "Free Update" promise. If you have bought SIrius Online at full price via Steam, you will be egligible for a free Upgrade. I will offer a limited set of replacement keys, beginning NOW.

The Procedure used will be the following:

  • You send a proof of Purchase to sirius-upgrade @
  • The mail must contain your Steam Username
  • You will get an Autoresponder Mail.
  • I will personally check if you're egligible for the upgrade
  • If yes, you will get the new game as well.

The reason for doing this is that Age of the Free Agents deserves a long time Support. Sirius Itself has saturated its market share and cannot support the development, even with an update of this size. There are still over 135.000 black market keys for that game in the wild which I cannot revoke.The Choice is easy:

Quickly put together Update and never do anything again?
Write a new Game around the same setting, with a storyline, long term support and updates, while having it support the development through sales?

The Choice has been quite Obvious, as it has been influenced by quite a lot of people who have reached out to me and told me about the latter as an option.

To more pleasant things:

The game is now 95% feature complete and currently had the Combat Client Update released to backers and testers. A lot of technical improvements as well as a few days worth of complete code refactoring happened, removing obsolete code, refreshing definitions, simplifying functions, beefing up the graphics.

This being said, the RAM Footprint of the game is now down to 1GB instead of almost 3GB and the performance in general went up by 70%. NPC AI System T.O.A.St. reached V9.1, the Interface went much more pleasant and the minimap now displays way more details.

If you yearn for more info, follow the games official Twitter Account

Don't wait and send out your emails today!


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