Update for Sycamore Free & New Features for Sycamore

Author: From Steam
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2023
Sycamore Free Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Free to Play, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, Racing, Strategy
Developer: [untitledDev]
Release Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022

Free to Play Updates

- Joining a level will now display what level it will attempt to join.

Sycamore Updates

Buy the Full Version to unlock all the features below!

Two Brand New Levels

Forest: Level 9 and Underworld: Level 10 have been added to the game.

Level Selection Update

The level select screen has been completely redesigned! Now you can see at a glance exactly what the level looks like from above. What new routes will you be able to come up with?

Level Medals

Each level now has a Medal Time. Bronze, Silver, and Gold!

Hats & Achievements

Various new hats have been added to customise your character as well as a new achievement for getting a Gold medal on any level!

Full Changelog

- Added an entirely new level select screen
- Added Forest: Level 9
- Added Underworld: Level: 10
- Added level medal awards
- Added Gold Medal Achievement
- Added more hats
- Added larger level finish platform marker
- Added coin marker
- Fixed an issue with Multiplayer replays saving transforms of all players
- Altered in-level WR sign
- Fixed an issue where end level particles would not destroy in multiplayer
- Updated Tutorial pickups icon
- Updated Tutorial pickups to destroy if UI Animations are turned OFF
- Reverted collision changes for a wooden platform

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