Patch Notes: 1.2.0-Beta2 BETA

Author: From Steam
Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2024
Game: Voxel Turf
Voxel Turf Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: L Twigger
Release Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2017
New patch in the Beta Branch. If there are no issues then I'll set the page live tomorrow (along with a more detailed description of the features!)

This patch adds Factions to multiplayer and decorative flags all players.

EDIT: Patch 1.2.0-Beta2 fixes a couple of bugs. Scroll for changes


You can now make flags! All players will be assigned a random flag when they join a game, and can edit their flags. You can even place decorative flags in lots that you own.

Players in chat and in diplomacy screen have their flags shown, making it easier to tell them apart. Furthermore, you can click on flags on the map to bring up a player's diplomacy window directly.


You can now form Factions in multiplayer! There are two kinds of factions - Unified Factions (players share income) and Bloc Factions (players don't).

Factions act as a group of allied players, except they all appear with the same colour and flag on the map. Members can be assigned three ranks (member, trustee and leader).

VERSION: 1.2.0-Beta2 - 23/06/18
- - You can now repair faction owned lots
- - Stat bonuses due to faction owned control points are now correctly applied
- - Removed the OP_ALLIANCE_DEL console message
- - Control Point Goons now speak to faction members if the control point is owned by the faction

VERSION: 1.2.0-Beta1
- - Added Player Factions
- Flags have their own flag and colour, any members will use the faction's colour and flag.
- There are 2 kinds of factions: Bloc Factions (basically a big alliance), and Unified Factions (big alliance that shares all net investment income).
- Factions are a seperate political entity. If you join a faction you are no longer independent - the faction is responsible for your diplomacy. If you are a leader or trustee of the faction you can engage in diplomacy on behalf of the faction
- Factions have 3 ranks - members, trustees and leaders.
- Members cannot engage in diplomacy, except to vote on peace deals, send money or show respect.
- Trustees can engage in diplomacy, edit the flag, invite/kick members.
- Leaders can appoint Trustees and more Leaders. Leaders can also kick trustees
- Joining a faction voids any alliances you currently have, as well as protections and warnings.
- Factions can have allies, protect players, issue warnings, etc, just like normal players can.
- Members of a faction are like allies, and can do all the stuff that allies can do (such as co-op missions, respawning on bases, storing vehicles in bases, etc)
- Showing Respect increases the AI opinion of your faction, allowing you to form alliances between the AI and your faction
- A Factions reputation is equal to the reputation of the member with the highest reputation - if a faction has two members, one with 25 rep and one with 5 rep then the faction will have 25 rep.
- A Factions aggression is equal to the aggression of the member with the highest aggression - if a faction has two members, one with 25 aggr and one with 5 aggr then the faction will have 25 aggr.
- Factions will have the yesman cheat enabled if any of the constituant players have yesman enabled
- AI factions will only join player factions if you have yesman enabled. They will do thier normal AI behaviour if part of a faction.
- If you capture a control point, then it comes under control of the faction and all faction members get the bonuses
- - You can no longer invite offline players into alliances
- - Fixed some issues with the flag editor, added a bit of polish
- - Fixed flag not appearing for a player that has just hotjoined onto a server
- - Fixed equipment (hats, armour) not appearing for a player that has just hotjoined onto a server

VERSION: 1.1.7
- - If textures are set to high, then flags will be rasterised at double resolution (400x240).
- - Doubled flag element resolution for several elements (mainly emblems with stars + layers with diagonal pieces)

VERSION: 1.1.6
- - Added Flags!
- Players and AI factions now have flags. These appear on the map when you select a lot they control and these are displayed next to player names in chat, popup banners and the player list.
- Your "spawn flag" in your bases will now display your flag
- You can now place a variety of flags decoratively in the world. The flag that is displayed will change to whoever occupies the lot and will change if a lot changes hands
- Flags you can place: 2 hanging banner types that can be used on streetlight poles
- 1x2 hanging, 2x3 hanging, 4x6 hanging
- 1x1 horizontal, 2x1.5 horizontal, 3x2 horizontal, 6x4 horizontal
- - Added a Flag Generator. You can make flags by placing different elements and emblems as layers ontop of a background
- Have 41 elements to choose from, as well as 25 emblems
- Flag Layers can be moved around and coloured
- Flags can appear either hoizontally or hanging vertically.
- Emblems on the flag can individually be set to always be vertical when the flag is hanging
- Flags can be hanged in "left-canton" mode, for situations where you want to correctly hang the flag (eg US Flag, Aus/Nz flags, etc)
- Players & AI Factions are assigned a random flag when the game is started
- This is moddable up the wazzo. You can add more flag layers/emblems by defining a mods/YOUR_MOD/textures/flags/flaglayers.txt and throwing in some textures. This won't change the client's checksum, multiplayer clients with different mod-flags are able to play together (uninstalled flag parts won't be visible, but MP sessions will work). If players have the same mod-flag-parts installed they will able to see them.
- - Added a "Sending money does not increase relations" message to the "send money" screen
- - Near Radius is now shown with a yellow line (for industrial lots with *_NEAR settings, such as the Sawmill, etc)
- - Commercial Radius is now shown with a yellow line (for Commercial Lots)
- - Fixed many instances of blocks dropping the wrong items.
- - Removing a multi-block block should now give the drop item if you are removing it from not the multiblock's origin block.

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