Nuclear Reactors Are Starting....

Author: From Steam
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024
Black Hole Hazard Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Superthumb
Release Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2016

Greetings researchers from across the globe!

We're currently reporting from the International Nuclear Research Center (INRC) and are happy to announce that we're powering up the nuclear reactors. We invite all of you to conduct the experiment alongside with us to create an artificial black hole. Would it be successful, a breakthrough of the century or a Black Hole Hazard? Find out the results in less than 24 hours with us!

Release: 00:00, 29th of August

We have listened to your helpful suggestions during our previous meeting. The changes that we have made include:

  • Added checkpoints
  • Remodelled and re-introduced "Survival Mode"
  • Added 30 new levels and power ups to "Survival Mode" (Would be constantly updating)
  • Fixed "Full Screen" issue
  • and many more.

We love listening to our fellow researcher's crazy and interesting ideas as well as feedbacks and would continue to improve and refine Black Hole Hazard.

No fear fellow researchers, for we have only compassion towards you! We in the INRC have agreed to grant a discount for Black Hole Hazard!

Standard Edition: US$ 4.99 (15% Discount)
Deluxe Edition: US$ 5.99 (25% Discount)
Original Soundtrack: US$ 2.99

Prices stated are before discount.

Lastly, we deeply thank each and every of our loyal researchers who followed us through our journey - a long one since our "Greenlight" phase. We thank those who supported us endlessly. And also those who showered us with critics, helping us to improve continuously.

We and Black Hole Hazard would not be where we are today without you. It might be cheesy, especially for nuclear researchers like us but, it is the truth.

So buckle up and start the nuclear fission. It would be a rough path in front of us but we trust that you'll be strong. Thank you!

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