Working on a new game

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024
Cold Massacre Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Free to Play, Indie
Developer: SeventyFour Productions
Release Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022
Hello there, I am back now finally to tell you all (especially those who liked Cold Massacre) that I'm now working on a new horror game. :)

This game, as the title suggests, is a successor to Cold Massacre. By that I don't mean it's a sequel, it's a completely different story and game in fact but it has the same top-down view as Cold Massacre and it's gonna share a lot of the core elements of that game. I'm of course improving on all the aspects and I'm already well on my way towards developing the game. (The game has been in development for about a month already).

So what is this game? It's called: "Get out of The" and if you think that sounds weird it's because it is. It is only a part of a sentence. A sentence that gets revealed to you as you progress through the game. Similar to Cold Massacre this game will take place in a single map (this map will be huge though, I'm spending ages on drawing all the assets). Of course though, this is not Cold Massacre, this game will have much more emphasis on story in fact. There's already full dialogues in the game, even though it's only at its alpha stages.

I won't be telling you any more than this. But when I eventually make a Steam page for the game, I'll post it here. :)

-SeventyFour Productions

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