Teams, Text, and Trading Cards

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2023
Tabletop Playground Game Banner
Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation, Strategy, Early Access
Developer: Plasticity Studios
Release Date: Fri, 15 May 2020

The latest update is now live: It introduces teams, card browsing in the object library, and a new cursor highlighting option. Find out more about teams in the knowledge base:
When using scripting, you now have a lot more options to customize the appearance of text, you can even use your own fonts! In addition, you can now add metadata to templates and single cards in the editor and access it from your scripts.
Finally, Tabletop Playground now includes Steam trading cards! You earn cards through playing and collecting a full set earns you emoticons and profile backgrounds.

• You can now define teams for players. Players on the same team can see each other's cards and chat or talk with each other privately.
• You can now spawn single cards out of card decks directly from the object library: on hovering, card decks now have a search symbol. Click on it to open the list of contained cards.
• A new game setting allows you to switch from highlighting objects (when hovered by the cursor) by lighting them up to showing an outline instead
• When trying to start a game with a package that has no starting states, you are now redirected to start with an empty table. The respective package will already be active in the new game.

• New customization options for all widgets that include text: You can set bold, italic, and color. Or set a completely custom TTF font.
• Add Text.setJustification and Text.getJustification to control text alignment
• Add TextBox.setBackgroundTransparent and MultilineTextBox.setBackgroundTransparent to allow for more flexible text box styling
• Add onTextCommitted events for TextBox and MultilineTextBox
• Add Canvas.updateChild to change coordinates of widgets on a Canvas
• You can now add metadata to object templates and to single cards within card templates. You can configure the metadata in the editor, there are new text fields in the object properties and card properties. You can access the metadata using GameObject.getTemplateMetadata and CardDetails.metadata
• New scripting methods to deal with teams: Player.getTeam, GameWorld.getSlotTeam, GameWorld.setSlotTeam
• Various improvements to API documentation

• Fix memory leak in upload mod screen
• Create stored objects folder automatically if missing
• Copy the node_modules directory with the API definition to user or custom package directory to enable autocompletion in VSCode when not using the game directory.


These new updates we've added are just some of the many features on our early access development roadmap for Tabletop Playground, which you can check out on our Trello HERE.

Don't forget to join our community Discord to chat with the dev team and give us your suggestions for new features for the game!

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