Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023
Tango Fiesta Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Spilt Milk Studios Ltd
Release Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015

As the headline of this alludes to, there’s new DLC for Tango Fiesta OUT NOW right here on Steam! It’s called Fascism Fighters 4000 and frankly you’re going to love it.

You play as Macmillan, Conchita or Dr Henk, the badass heroes of colour whose main mission is to fight fascists sent from the future in the name of equality and freedom for all. We’ve filled our studio gaps with Black creators to help us make this DLC a reality, which brings us on to our next point.

When you buy this DLC (which you’re absolutely going to, right?), all the profits will be donated to BLM charities around the world, and what’s even better is we’ll top up the donation ourselves from sales of the main game from this date onwards so that 100% of the DLC cost is donated. We at Spilt Milk believe that equality (by definition) should be equal for all, but unfortunately, we live in a world where that still isn’t the case.

SO tl;dr:
Available RIGHT NOW
All profits to charity

No reason not to get involved!

If you want to know more, here’s a bunch of handy links too;

Here's the lowdown on the DLC! We've worked hard to make a brand new highscore-chasing mode with a ton of cool features.


Play as Macmillan, Conchita or Dr Henk, the badass heroes of colour on a mission to fight fascists sent from an ‘alternate future’ in the name of equality and freedom for all!

Smash your fascist foes into the ground for points and to add more revolutionaries - and more firepower - to your squad! Squadmates will move and shoot alongside you, have infinite ammo, but aren’t directly controlled, and are definitely not invincible.

Compete on the worldwide leaderboards to be crowned the best of all the Fascism Fighters. And we’re pretty sure there’s more than 4000 of you! Work the Scoring and Combo systems to get stupidly big numbers - the revolutionaries you add to your squad can help maintain your combo, as well as increase your combo cap!.

The rest of the juicy changelog:

  • A special achievement to commemorate your purchase, and the subsequent donation.
  • Play as Macmillan, Conchita, or Dr Henk
  • Endless waves of fascists to fight, adding new and more difficult enemies over time.
  • Avoid dangerous pools of toxic green goo. You know, toxic like the beliefs of fascists.
  • Health packs only restore around 10% of your max HP.
  • Weapon Boxes autoswap you to a new weapon! There’s no way to get ammo.
  • The Arnie-esque shopkeeper narrates your weapon swaps for Maximum 1980s Action Movie vibes
  • The weapons you have access to are limited to the Arius A1, Oozy 9mm, 12 Gauge, Manuel, Mac & Cheese, Hong Kong 83, Hong Kong 84, Oozy 8mm, Steel Auger, Matrix 80, Rocket Launcher, Burner, and the Muzzletight Puppy.
  • Weapons in Boxes are independent of your unlocks in other modes to keep things exciting.
  • Weapon Boxes also give you 1 grenade back, so use them wisely.
  • Your current score, your best score, and the next you have to beat displayed on the HUD at all times
  • Revolutionaries in your squad take damage and can die and be removed. But you can always get them back again! Keep fighting!
  • The credits track has always been our favourite, so now you can enjoy it as it rocks in the background of the DLC.

Tango Fiesta Update:

To really make the most of the opportunity, we’ve of course fixed a bunch of bugs and tweaked a load of stuff in Tango Fiesta too. Here are the highlights:

  • Added the DLC of course!
  • We’ve fixed the gun graphic floating bug! Wahoo!
  • There used to be a small period on the main menu when inputs were not registered.
  • We’ve added a nice “TANGO FIESTA” voiceover on the main menu
  • Dr Frosty shots now have a lovely frosty trail (always been there, just not visible!)
  • Grenades used to bug out and not throw in the direction you chose. No longer! You can still drop them at your feet by throwing them without a directional or movement input.
  • If an enemy is hit with a ‘shock’ effect they will hold their trigger and shoot wildly.
  • Player and enemies now take damage on a ticker when touching toxic waste (instead of only when they moved)
  • Edge tiles of toxic waste now damage players and enemies.
  • Blood now fades out
  • Mouse aiming fixed
  • Level select videos for 1-1 now playing correctly
  • Pad navigation of menus is more reliable
  • Credits updated with Patreons!
  • Credits updated with Steve Hatchard!
  • Credits updated with FF4K details
  • Removed Mel Gibson from credits
  • Melee knife bad guys would run backwards sometimes
  • Addressed some positional audio bugs
  • Fixed some rooms in Ghoul Squad levels that had no movement collision.
  • Fixed an Objective Room or two in Ghoul Squad that had no movement collision, and no weapon collision either.
  • Fixed a Ghoul Squad a level generation issue that would result in a level with no objectives being made

That’s it! We hope you enjoy and please reach out to us if you’re enjoying it!

Spilt Milk Studios

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