Welcome to 'The Shoebox Diorama'!

Author: From Steam
Date: Sat, 25 May 2024
Diorama No.1 : Blocked In Game Banner
Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation
Developer: The Shoebox Diorama (Daniel Ernst)
Release Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2016
Dear Visitor,

After 2,5 years experimenting with VR, I finally reached the official starting point for my project : 'The Shoebox Diorama' , an ongoing series of fantastical VR dioramas. I hope to spend many many years to come exploring the depths of VR and creating these type of wondrous interactive illustrations.

And there is still so much more, much more to share in the coming months, for example; 'Diorama No.0 : The Table of Contents' , the illusive 'Diorama No.2 : Der Grosse Gottlieb' and Dear Pigeon Man .

If you want to support my dioramas share my steampage to press, friends enthusiasts or random people in the streets!

All the best and hope to see you around,

W | http://www.theshoeboxdiorama.com
FB | http://www.facebook.com/shoeboxdiorama
TW | http://www.twitter.com/camefrombeyond
M | daniel@theshoeboxdiorama.com

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