Update 56: Archetypes and Archvillains has arrived!

Author: From Steam
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023
Dungeons & Dragons OnlineĀ® Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG
Developer: Standing Stone Games, LLC
Release Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012
Update 56: Archetypes and Archvillains Release Notes

Here are the release notes for Update 56, released on Wednesday, August 31st, 2022.

Of Special Note:

The Temple of Elemental Evil has been updated!

The Temple of Elemental Evil has received an update, including new rewards! This classic adventure now supports Legendary difficulty (CR 34), and has been divided into multiple quests, among other changes detailed more in the release notes below. To get started, visit the Gatekeeper's Grove in The Harbor and speak with Bagnam the Gatekeeper on the east side of the Grove! Anyone who owns the Temple of Elemental Evil Adventure Pack can access this newly-updated Classic. FREE to VIPs and available in the DDO Store! Features Dungeon Master narration and audio journal discussion by actor Wil Wheaton!

Archetypes have arrived!

Archetypes are a new way to play a class! We're debuting with three Archetypes FREE TO EVERYONE:

Dark Apostate (Cleric): A Negative energy, dark magic using, Undead-shrouded necromancer!
Sacred Fist (Paladin): A Handwraps-using Paladin that combines Ki with Holy energies!
Stormsinger (Bard): An archetype focusing on Sonic, Cold, and Electric storm-based spellcasting!

When you select a class during character creation, a side window will appear that will contain the Base Class along with any of its associated Archetypes. Read more in the release notes below!

Bank and Reincarnation Cache User Interface Update!

We've updated the User Interface for the Character Bank, Shared Account Bank, and the Reincarnation Cache! Everyone will have the same amount of space they had prior to the update, but functionality has been greatly improved, including the ability to create tabs with editable names!

News and Notes:

Temple of Elemental Evil
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One has been turned into two separate quests, with the first containing the Upper Temple and the Earth Temple and the second containing the Lower Temple.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two has been turned into five separate quests, with each Elemental Node becoming its own quest and the fifth quest leading into and including the fight against Zuggtymoy.
Additionally, several quests have had objectives added to make their game play flow more clearly.
The Zuggtmoy and Falrinth encounters have had their difficulty adjusted.
The rewards for Temple of Elemental Evil have been adjusted:
NOTE: Existing Temple of Elemental Evil loot is NOT changing, and everything you have will remain unchanged, including its minimum level.
New items now appear in Temple of Elemental Evil at Minimum Level 8 in Heroic difficulty and Minimum Level 31 in Legendary difficulty. These items will appear in End Chests in ToEE quests.
There are now four Set Bonuses, one for each of the four elements in the Temple.
Some new Augments can be found in random encounter chests, in both Heroic and Legendary difficulty.
Some new wands can be found in random encounter chests as well.
Old Temple of Elemental Evil named items will now be located in various tougher optional objectives in the new quests. These items remain unchanged.
The old Temple of Elemental Evil item crafting system has been removed, although existing Ingredients will continue to exist. Existing base and crated weapons and armor will continue to exist, but will no longer drop. The old crafting station remains in its prior location.
Archetypes are new ways to play existing classes, and three Archetypes are now available. Here are specific details pertaining to archetypes:
If an ability requires you to be a specific class, any Archetype of that class will also qualify. For example, Dark Apostate (Cleric) will qualify for any ability that requires you to be a Cleric.
Archetypes can have different enhancement trees from their base class.
Archetypes can have different class Feats.
Archetypes can have different class spell books.
Archetypes can also have their own alignment restrictions.
Characters can multiclass into an Archetype just as they would a regular class, but a character cannot multiclass an Archetype with its base class or another Archetype of the same class. So a Cleric Archetype could multiclass into Fighter or a Fighter Archetype, but a Cleric Archetype could not multiclass into a different Cleric Archetype or base Cleric class.
Archetypes have their own Past Lives that fit into the current Heroic Past Life system. If your majority class is in an Archetype, you will earn that Archetype's Past Life.
An Archetype's Past Life counts as a Prerequisite for the Heroic Active Past Life Feats, and an Archetype's Past Life Feat qualifies someone for Heroic Completionist if they have not earned it already. If you have one copy of all Heroic class Past Lives done on a character except for Cleric, for example, you'd be able to qualify for the Cleric portion with either base Cleric or with Dark Apostate. This means that as we release new Archetypees, Heroic Completionist won't be removed from players that have already earned it, and new options will open up for players still on that journey. Finally, with this release, Heroic Completionist will become automatically granted to characters that qualify.
When you select a class during character creation, a side window will appear that will contain the base class (again) and its Archetypes.
When multiclassing into a Archetype, you'll talk to that class' trainer, and you'll be asked if you would like to multiclass into the base class or any available Archetypes. If no Archetypes are available, or if you are ineligible for them because you are already that Archetype or that Base class, then you'll skip to the leveling up section you are already familiar with.
When selecting another player or viewing your own character sheet, Archetypes will be displayed in the class breakdown. Example: Dark Apostate 18, Monk 2.
You may swap into a Archetype during a Lesser Reincarnation. You won't need a +X Heart to swap levels during that Lesser Reincarnation; swapping into a Archetype during a Lesser Reincarnation does not count towards class swap totals and does not require class swaps to perform.
Dark Apostate (Cleric) - Changes from Base Class:
Instead of automatically preparing Cure Wounds spells, Dark Apostates automatically prepare the Inflict Wounds spells.
Past Life: Dark Apostate: +5 Negative Healing Amplification and +5 Negative Spell Power (stacks 3 times).
New Tree: Dark Apostate, Replaces Radiant Servant:
Themes: Dark healing, evil magic, negative damage, undead control and destruction. Shroud yourself in shadow as a master of darkness and negative energy magic!
Core 1: Dark Apostate: Each core in this tree including this one grants you +5 Negative and Alignment Spellpower and +5 Negative Healing Amplification.
Core 3: Shadow Shrouding: Toggle: Shroud yourself in Necromantic Energies and assume the form of a Shadow. While in Shadow form, you are considered an Undead, gain a base 100% Fortification, and may heal from Negative Energies. This healing comes at a cost - Undead naturally only take 50% healing from Positive Energy and take 100% more damage from Light. You gain +2 Wisdom and +2 Constitution, as well as +5% Incorporeality and Concealment as your form is partially obscured and intangible. This is a Major Form.
Core 6: Enhanced Shadowform I: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 10% each). Your Apostate's Curse gains 1 additional damage dice.
Core 12: Enhanced Shadowform II: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 15% each). Your Bestow Curse, Doom, and Bane spells no longer have a saving throw.
Core 18: Enhanced Shadowform III: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 20% each). You also passively gain +1 Necromancy DC, and your Apostate's Curse gains 1 additional damage dice.
Core 20: Master of Shadows: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 25% each). You also passively gain +4 Wisdom, and your Apostate's Curse gains 1 additional damage dice.
Tier 1:
SLA: Bane
Apostate's Skills: +1/2/3 Heal, Hide, and Bluff. Rank 3: +1 Will saving throw
Shadowy Bulwark: +5/10/15 Hit Points
Apostate's Curse: Toggle: Your Favored Weapons channel the dark energies within you, twisting them into evil versions of themselves - they deal an additional 1d6 Evil Damage on hit (scaling with 100% Spell Power).
Traditionalist Caster: +3/6/10 Universal Spell Power when wielding an Orb or Staff.
Tier 2:
SLA: Prayer
Mighty Turning: When you successfully Turn Undead, the Undead are now destroyed.
Enhanced Turning: +2/4/6 Turn Undead charges.
Enhanced Curse I: (req Apostate's Curse) Your Apostate's Curse gains 1 additional damage dice, and grants your Favored Weapons Ghost Touch.
Dark Rewards: When you critically hit with a Negative or Alignment spell, you gain 3/6/10 Sacred Temporary SP that last for 1 minute.
Tier 3:
Pray for Mercy: Your Prayer-like spells (Bless, Bane, Prayer) now resonate with Evil energies, dealing 1d6 Evil damage per Caster Level to all enemies. This damage is doubled against enemies that are Cursed.
Endless Turning: Turn Undead uses regenerate at a rate of one every 120 seconds, or 10%/20%/30% faster if it already regenerates.
Cursed Words: SLA for Bestow Curse. This costs 0 Spellpoints to activate. Bestow Curse now deals 6d6 Bane damage to Undead per Dark Apostate Dice.
Enhanced Curse II: (req Enhanced Curse I) Your Apostate's Curse gains 1 additional damage dice. Favored Weapons are now an Implement in your hands.
+1 Wisdom
Tier 4:
Blessings of the Shadows: You gain +50/100/150 Incapacitation Range
Return to Dusk: While you are in any Undead form, when you are knocked unconscious, you dissolve into shadows, granting you Invisibility and Displacement. After 5 seconds, your body reforms, and you are healed for 1d6 Negative Energy per Character Level. This may only happen once every 3 minutes.
Dark Judgement: When you use Turn Undead, you and allies near you gain +3/6/10 Temporary HP per Apostate's Curse bonus dice.
Enhanced Curse III: (req Enhanced Curse II) Your Apostate's Curse gains 1 additional damage dice.
+1 Wisdom
Tier 5:
Benediction: Harm now scales with 2x Spell Power and may now kill enemies.
Ward of Shadow: Wards all nearby allies against all four alignments and light. This is Protection from Elements but for Law, Chaos, Evil, Good, and Light damage.
Necromantic Devotion: +1 DCs with Necromancy spells.
Ultimate Heresy: (req Enhanced Curse III) Your Apostate's Curse gains 2 additional damage dice. On crit, you apply 1d3 stacks of Vulnerability and apply the effects of the Curse spell.
Shadows of Death: You gain +5% Negative and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
Note that this tree releases alongside the revamped Divine Disciple tree.
Sacred Fist (Paladin) - Changes from Base Class:
Armor Class Bonus: (1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20) - This version scales off of Charisma instead of Wisdom. If you are part-monk this will use the highest of Charisma or Wisdom.
Flurry of Blows (1)
Unarmed Strike (1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20)
Evasion (2) (Note: they do not get Improved Evasion except as a Tier 5 enhancement in the Sacred Fist tree.)
Path of Light (1) - This is the Handwraps deity feat. As with all deity feats it grants Proficiency with its weapon (in this case Handwraps). It is automatically granted rather than being chosen during feat selection.
Divine Dream (6) - This is the level 6 "special" Deity feat. It makes you considered to be in Heavy Armor while centered for the purposes of the Sacred Defender tree. This does NOT let you be centered in heavy! It is automatically granted rather than being chosen during feat selection.
Removed: Sacred Fist Paladins do not gain Shield, Armor, or Martial Weapon Proficiency of any kind. Note that because they get the Path of Light this means they can use Handwraps!
Level 1:
Added: Ki Bolt: Fire a bolt of pure Ki towards enemies. Deals 1d6 Fire and 1d4 Force damage per caster level, scaling with 300% Melee Power. Note that this spell has been adjusted for playability for this Archetype and Henshin Mystic will also see this increased damage! Cost: 10 Ki
Level 2:
Added: Sacred Flame Empowerment: Upon cast, you are empowered by holy magic, granting you +3 Sacred Fist Dice and allowing your critical hits to deal 1d20 Bane damage per Sacred Fist Dice, scaling with 100% of your Melee Power. Cost: 18 Ki, Duration: 20 seconds
Level 3:
Added: Incinerating Wave: Creates an incinerating wave of ki fire. Deals 1d6+3 fire and force damage per caster level to targets within the wall, scaling with 300% Melee Power. Note that this spell has been adjusted for playability for this Archetype and Henshin Mystic will also see this increased damage! Cost: 18 Ki
Level 4:
Added: Ki Explosion: Waves of fire emanate from your body, dealing 1d6 per Sacred Fist Dice in Fire, Light, and Force damage to enemies in your vicinity, scaling with 200% Melee Power. For 20 seconds after you cast this spell, you benefit from Fire Shield: Hot, which prevents 50% of your incoming Fire damage and deals a small amount of Fire damage to attackers that strike you in melee. Cost: 30 Ki
Misc Class Attributes:
Ki Ability: Charisma
Ki Progression: Monk
Note: If you are part-monk (which uses Wisdom for ki), the Ki system will ever so politely take the highest of those modifiers. So don't worry that you'll end up wis-based if you multiclass.
Past Life: Sacred Fist: +5 Healing Amp and +5 Positive Spell Power per stack.
New Tree: Sacred Fist, Replaces Knight of the Chalice
Core 1: Sacred Flame: Toggle: Your melee attacks while centered deal an extra 1d6 Fire damage, scaling with 200% Melee Power. Each core ability in this tree grants you +5 Healing Amplification and +5 Positive Spellpower.
Core 3: +1 Saves and Armor Class. +1 Sacred Flame dice. Your weapons while using Sacred Flame now bypass Lawful + Good Damage Reduction.
Core 6: +1 Saves and Armor Class. +1 Sacred Flame dice. Gain +3 Remove Disease Charges and your Remove Disease now applies Greater Restoration to your target.
Core 12: +1 Saves and Armor Class. +1 Sacred Flame dice. You gain Immunity to Energy Drain.
Core 18: +1 Saves and Armor Class. +1 Sacred Flame dice. When you use Turn Undead, you and nearby allies gain +1 Ki on hit and +3 Ki on crit for 20 seconds.
Core 20: +4 Charisma, +3 Saves, +1 Sacred Flame dice. +10 Melee Power. +1 with Weapons. You absorb 25% of all Fire damage.
Tier 1:
Sacred Strike I: +1 to hit and damage with Favored Weapons.
Extra Smite: +2/4/6 bonus to Smite Evil.
Disciple of the Fist: +1/2/3 Heal, Concentration, and Intimidate. Rank 3: You gain +1 Reflex saving throws.
Deft Strikes: You gain +3/6/10% chance to make offhand attacks while centered.
Ki Shout: Ki Activate: Intimidates nearby enemies, encouraging them to attack you. This ability uses your Concentration skill, and shares a cooldown with the Intimidate skill. (Activation Cost: 5 Ki. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
Tier 2:
Sacred Strike II: +2 to hit and +1 to damage with Favored Weapons.
Sacred Whirlwind: Make a sweeping attack against all nearby enemies for +3 damage. Shares a cooldown with the Cleave feat. Cooldown: 5 seconds. Cost: 12 Ki
Critical Mastery: +1/2/3 to confirm critical hits and critical hit damage
Fast Movement: You run 1% faster for each of your Paladin levels.
Action Boost: Doublestrike: Activate to gain +10/20/30% Action Boost bonus to Doublestrike for 20 seconds.
Tier 3:
Sacred Strike III: +1 to hit and damage with Favored Weapons.
Sacred Smite: An improved Smite that adds +1/2/3 to your weapon's critical damage multiplier and +1/2/3 to your weapon's critical threat range. In addition, this applies 1d2 stacks of Armor Destruction and 1d2 Stacks of Vulnerability unless the enemy makes a Fort Save (DC 10+Cha Mod+Sunder bonuses). Cost: 15 Ki (note: this is a Light ki melee attack)
Light of Hope: +1 Sacred Flame dice. Your Sacred Flame toggle now allows you to strike Incorporeal enemies as if you had Ghost Touch.
Instinctive Defense: You take 5/10/15% less extra damage when struck while helpless.
+1 Strength / Charisma
Tier 4:
Sacred Strike IV: +2 to hit and +1 damage with Favored Weapons.
Deflect Arrows: You gain the benefits of the Deflect Arrows feat, knocking aside one incoming projectile that would have struck you every 6 seconds. (Antireq Tempest + Swash Deflect Arrows)
Light of Glory: +1 Sacred Flame dice. Your Sacred Flame damage is now Light instead of Fire. Your Ki Spells now deal Light damage in addition to their other damage types.
Iron Skin: While centered, you gain an additional 5/10/15 PRR.
+1 Strength / Charisma
Tier 5:
Sacred Strike V: +3 to hit and damage with Favored Weapons, +10 Melee Power.
Evasive Dance: Improves your Evasion ability so on a failed Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, you only take 85/70/50% damage.
Avenging Whirlwind: Make a sweeping martial arts attack against all nearby enemies for +5(W) damage. Damaged enemies gain one stack of Vulnerability. Shares its cooldown with the Great Cleave feat. Cost: 18 Ki
Violence Begets Violence: While Centered, when an opponent misses you in melee, you gain +1 critical threat range for 6 seconds. This stacks up to 5 times and is reset if you critically hit.
Divine Strike: You gain On Vorpal: Stun any Demons or Devils with no save for 3 seconds.
Added Tree: Radiant Servant, Replaces Vanguard - Changes from base Radiant Servant: All things that say "Cleric Level" now work off Paladin Level.
Stormsinger (Bard): Changes from Base Class:
Feats and Abilities:
Stormsingers gain the following feats:
Magical Training (1)
Stormsingers do not gain the following feats:
Improved Inspire Courage +1
Improved Inspire Courage +2
Soothing Song
Ballad Melody: Greatness
Inspiration Melody: Heroics
Spell Level 1: Added: Shocking Grasp
Spell Level 2: Added: Electric Loop
Spell Level 3: Added: Lightning Bolt
Spell Level 4: Added: Ball Lightning, Sleet Storm
Spell Level 5: Added: Chain Lightning
Spell Level 6: Added: Thunderstroke
Past Life: Stormsinger: +5 Lightning and Sonic Spell Power per stack.
New Tree: Stormsinger, Replaces Swashbuckler:
Themes: Lightning and sonic damage, thunder, offensive spellcasting. Harness the thunderstorms to bring elemental destruction to your enemies!
Core Abilities:
Core 1: Stormsinger: You gain +5 Lightning, +5 Cold, and +5 Sonic Spell Power per core ability you take in this tree.
Core 3: Lightning Strike: Your Sonic and Cold spells have a 20% chance to cause a massive Lightning Strike whenever they hit an enemy. This lightning strike deals an extra 1d6 Electric damage per caster level.
Core 6: Enhanced Bolt I: Your Lightning Strike damage is upgraded to deal 1d6+2 Electric damage per caster level.
Core 12: Enhanced Bolt I: Your Lightning Strike is upgraded to add 1d3 stacks of Vulnerability when it goes off. The damage is upgraded to 1d6+4.
Core 18: Enhanced Bolt II: Whenever your Lightning Strike goes off, the enemy is Stunned with no save for 3 seconds. +1 Caster Level and Max Caster Level with Sonic + Cold + Electric spells.
Core 20: Master of Storms: +4 Charisma, +1 Evocation DCs. Your Lightning Strike now deals 1d6+6 damage per caster level. The stun is upgraded to 5 seconds. +1 Caster Level and Max Caster Level with Sonic + Cold + Electric spells.
Tier 1:
Multiselector: Sonic Blast or Niac's Cold Ray
Musical Refrain: +1/2/3 Bard Songs
Spell Critical: Electric and Cold 2%
Electrocution: Whenever you cast an Electric or Sonic damage spell, you gain +5 to your Electric and Sonic Spell Power for 6 seconds. This stacks up to 1/3/5 times.
Electric Reflexes: +1/2/3% Dodge
Tier 2:
Multiselector: Reverberate or Niac's Biting Cold
Metamagic Reduction: Maximize or Empower
Spell Critical: Electric and Cold 2%
Pierce Resistance: You bypass 5/10/15 points of Electric and Sonic Resistance.
Fast Movement: You run 1% faster for each of your Bard levels.
Tier 3:
Multiselector: Shout or Snowball Swarm
Metamagic Reduction: Maximize or Empower
Spell Critical: Electric and Cold 2%
Stormcaller's Aria: Your Inspire Courage grants nearby allies +2/4/6 more Universal Spell Power and Magical Resistance Rating.
+1 Charisma
Tier 4:
Inspire the Storm: Your Bardic Inspiration imbues allies with a chance to deal your Lightning Strike on melee and ranged attacks.
Ride the Lightning: Your main hand weapon is now considered an Implement. When you critically hit with a Sonic, Cold, or Lightning Spell, you gain +3% Dodge, +3 Reflex saving throws, and your spell point costs are reduced by 3% for 10 seconds.
Spell Critical: Electric and Cold 2%
+1 Charisma
Tier 5:
Horn of Thunder SLA
Eye of the Storm(singer): You are no longer negatively affected by Sleetstorm, and while in any Sleetstorm spells, you gain an additional Lightning Strike proc chance.
Spell Critical: Electric and Cold 2%
Stormcaller: +5/10/15 Electric, Cold, and Sonic Spellpower. Rank 3: You get Iceberg as a spell at level 6.
Storm Studies: +1 Evocation DCs
Spellsinger Notes: You may notice that this tree shares a few SLAs with Spellsinger - to help we've added multiselectors to Sonic Blast and Shout (Cure Light Wounds and Cure Light Wounds, Mass). You can't take Sonic Blast and Sonic Blast at the same time, same with the other shared SLAs. Also, we buffed Reverberate a bit!
General Bugfixes
Familiars from Feydark Illusionist and Falcons from Falconry now remain active while you are dead.
Feydark Illusionist Familiars no longer fall through the world.
Feydark Illusionist Familiars no longer spawn twice and then one explodes.
Familiars and Falcons no longer block mouse selection.
Single Weapon Specialty now correctly applies in all situations.
Fury of the Wild's Destiny Mantle now persists correctly through logout.
The Shadow debuff from Shadowdancer now properly drops 1 stack at a time.
Unyielding's Lay on Hands no longer prevents you from using it based on your Charisma score if your Constitution score is higher.
Warchanter's Iced Edges no longer drops on logout.
Nerve Venom in Shiradi no longer has an erroneous DC.
Sunblades should now respect two-handed fighting rules more accurately.
Unyielding Sentinel's Resurrection no longer erroneously requires 20 levels, is now 30 as intended.
Tabaxi's Dexterity to Damage now works correctly in Animal Form.
Weapons without an ability score modifier to damage no longer show a negative base damage rating.
Perfected Darkstorm Helm now has a caster level.
The camera has been adjusted such that mouse look will no longer occasionally turn your character 180 degrees and make you look up or down.
Party and Guild chat disconnects should no longer take as long to reconnect.
A large variety of text bugs and inconsistencies have been fixed.
monsters will no longer randomly gain stone prison on-hit effects due to your own gear
Sonic blast is now properly single target (note: it will still continue to hit breakables in an AOE).
Several Dinosaur Bone Crafting affixes no longer have an erroneous Saving Throw.
Gameplay Changes
Great Weapon Aptitude now allows Natural Fighting as one of its prerequisites instead of just Two Handed Fighting.
Khyber Dragonshards no longer drop. Recipes that use Khyber Dragonshards now use Siberys Dragonshards instead.
Eldritch Knight dice now work on Shields.
All level versions of the Abishai set is now a Profane instead of Artifact bonus.
There are 3 new Gameplay options:
Gather Trap Parts: (default True) - While true, disabling traps will cause you to gather Trap Parts from them. Turn this off to stop gathering trap parts from traps you disable.
Experimental Tumble Controls: (default False) - While true, pressing Block while moving will cause you to Tumble instead of causing you to Block. If you continue to hold Block, you will end the tumble in the blocking state.
Disable Full Character Effect Overlays: (default False) - While true, full character effect overlays on your character will be disabled. Affected visuals:
Fire Shield (Cold)
Fire Shield (Hot)
Elemental Forms (Both Sorcerer and Druid)
There are two new spells:
True Seeing, Mass: Cast True Seeing on yourself and your allies. Clr/FvS 8
Freedom of Movement, Mass: Cast Freedom of Movement on yourself and your nearby allies. Clr/FvS/Drd 7
Reaper Crafting's cost has been reduced to 75 Reaper Fragments.
You may now dissolve Reaper items at the second Reaper NPC at any amount of reaper points (note: crafting using these ingredients still requires 50 Reaper points)
Reaper crafting no longer accepts level 1 or 2 items.
Warchanter's Iced Edges now scales with Spell Power.
House Jorasco Favor buffs now have a "give me the works" option that charges the total platinum you'd get from just clicking them all individually.
House Phiarlan Favor buffs now last for 60 minutes.
Fred can now combine Dragonshards for you.
Spells that may target undead friends (aka Inflict spells) can now validate the caster as a redirected target (aka be cast targeting the caster implicitly) as long as the caster is undead.
The spells Bless, Prayer, and Bane all now have a cooldown of 10 seconds.
Base Attack Bonus is now capped at 25.
Tiefling's Incinerations are now: +2% and +3% Fire Spell Critical Damage.
Holy Smite, Order's Wrath, Chaos Hammer, and Unholy Blight now deal 1d6+4 damage per caster level.
Completionist is now automatically granted upon reaching level 3. Current characters with Completionist have been given a free feat respec token.
Swords to Plowshares now grants Handwraps a +1 Morale bonus to Critical Threat Range.
The Winter Hunt buff from Nature's Warrior core 5 now grants +5 Cold Spell Crit Chance and +15% Cold Spell Crit Damage.
Aasimar and Scourge Core 3 no longer provides a bonus to Healing Hands charges.
Aasimar and Scourge Core 5 no longer provides a recharge ability to Healing Hands charges, and also now provides +2 healing hands charges.
Angel of Vengeance core abilities no longer provide bonuses to caster level and max caster level.
Updated: Divine Disciple - This enhancement tree has been updated to the following:
Core 1: Multiselector:
Emissary of Light: Req Cleric 1, antireq Emissary of Darkness: You have chosen Light as your path. For each Core Ability you take in this tree, you gain +5 Light and +5 Universal Spell Power.
Emissary of Darkness: Req Cleric 1, antireq Emissary of Light: You have chosen Darkness as your path. For each Core Ability you take in this tree, you gain +5 Negative and +5 Universal Spell Power.
Core 3: Multiselector:
Aspect of the Sun: Req Cleric 3: You gain +2 to all Saving Throws and +3 Physical Resistance Rating.
Empowered by the Darkness: Req Cleric 3: You gain +2 to all Saving Throws and +3 Magical Resistance Rating.
Core 6: Multiselector:
Light Spellbook I: Req Cleric 6: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sunbolt as a Level 3 spell.
Dark Spellbook I: Req Cleric 6: Your Cleric spellbook gains Enervation as a Level 3 spell.
Core 12: Multiselector:
Light Spellbook II: Req Cleric 12: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sunbeam as a Level 6 spell.
Dark Spellbook II: Req Cleric 12: Your Cleric spellbook gains Necrotic Ray as a Level 6 spell.
Core 18: Multiselector:
Light Spellbook III: Req Cleric 18: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sunburst as a Level 8 spell. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Light/Alignment spells.
Dark Spellbook III: Req Cleric 18: Your Cleric spellbook gains Power Word: Stun as a Level 8 spell. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Negative Energy spells.
Core 20: Multiselector:
Priest of Endless Light: Req Cleric 20 and Emissary of Light: Your mastery over Light has granted you impossible power. +4 Wisdom, +2 to all Saving Throws, and +10 Light/Alignment spellpower and positive healing amp. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Light/Alignment spells and +1 evocation DCs.
Deacon of Endless Darkness: Req Cleric 20 and Emissary of Darkness: Your mastery over Darkness has granted you impossible power. +4 Wisdom, +2 to all Saving Throws, and +10 Negative spellpower and negative healing amp. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Negative Energy spells and +1 necromancy DCs.
Tier 1:
Nimbus of Light vs Inflict Light Wounds SLA
Defense of the Heart: +2/4/6 Physical Resistance Rating
Divine Smiting I: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
Domain Smiting 1: +2% Fire, Cold, Acid, Electric, and Force Spell Critical Chance (requires both Light and Dark Core 1)
Defense of the Soul: +2/4/6 Magical Resistance Rating
Spell Points: +30/60/100 Maximum Spell Points
Tier 2:
Spell Penetration: +1/2/3 Spell Penetration
Improved Metamagic: Empower/Enlarge/Maximize/Quicken
Divine Smiting II: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
Domain Smiting II: +2% Fire, Cold, Acid, Electric, and Force Spell Critical Chance (requires both Light and Dark Core 1)
Shield of Dusk and Dawn: When struck, attackers are dealt 1/2/3d6 Light and Negative damage, scaling with your spellpower. Rank 3: When enemies critically hit you, they are Blinded for 2 seconds with no save.
Light and Dark: Whenever you cast a Light, Alignment or Negative spell, you gain +3 to your Negative, Light, and Alignment Spell Power for 6 seconds. This stacks up to 3/6/10 times.
Tier 3:
Necrotic Bolt vs Searing Light
Improved Metamagic: Empower/Enlarge/Maximize/Quicken
Divine Smiting III: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
Domain Smiting III: +2% Fire, Cold, Acid, Electric, and Force Spell Critical Chance (requires both Light and Dark Core 1)
Disciple of Dusk: You gain +5/10/15 Negative Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Negative Spell Power
Disciple of Dawn: You gain +5/10/15 Positive Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Light and Alignment Spell Power
+1 Wisdom
Tier 4:
Order's Wrath vs Holy Smite vs Chaos Hammer vs Unholy Blight SLA
Improved Metamagic: Heighten
Divine Smiting IV: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
Domain Smiting IV: +2% Fire, Cold, Acid, Electric, and Force Spell Critical Chance (requires both Light and Dark Core 1)
Multiselector: (select what you did not select in Tier 3)
Disciple of Dusk: You gain +5/10/15 Negative Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Negative Spell Power
Disciple of Dawn: You gain +5/10/15 Positive Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Light and Alignment Spell Power
+1 Wisdom
Tier 5:
Holy Power (req only Light cores): Your Holy Smite spell now deals full damage to all enemies, regardless of alignment.
Unholy Power (req only Dark cores): Your Unholy Blight spell now deals full damage to all enemies, regardless of alignment.
Balance of Power (req both Light and Dark cores): Your Chaos Hammer and Order's Wrath spells now deal full damage to all enemies, regardless of alignment.
Transcend Light: Req having only Emissary of Light cores. You now gain the Spellbook spells of the Path of Darkness.
Transcend Darkness: Req having only Emissary of Darkness cores: You now gain the Spellbook spells of the Path of Light.
Bring Balance: req having both Light and Dark cores: The Word of Balance spell is added to your Spellbook at level 7. (yes, both light and dark cores... this tree is funky fresh)
Divine Smiting V: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
Domain Smiting V: +2% Fire, Cold, Acid, Electric, and Force Spell Critical Chance (requires both Light and Dark Core 1)
Condemnation: +5% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Damage
Acceptance: +5% Fire, Cold, Acid, Electric, and Force Spell Critical Damage, +2 Caster level and Max Caster Level with those spell elements
Divine Empowerment: +1 DCs with Evocation and Necromancy

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