Update 1.6.1!
Author: indiefoldcreator
Thu, 12 Dec 2024
Game: Void Vikings
This update focuses on a few small features and bug fixes. Our last update took a very long time so we're adjusting things back the other way in an effort to get improvements out on a more frequent basis.
Bug fixes:
- Add screen shake; when you get hit by enemy fire.
- Add different shield effects based on which shield item you have equipped.
Bug fixes:
- Damage on items is shown to one decimal place to make upgrades less confusing.
- Create a upgrade limit for items that won't benefit from additional upgrades.
- Opening the inventory removes all item pickup popups.
- Fix boss enemy movement, will now fly at player instead of some random direction.
- Fix enemy movement; enemies won't fly at you backwards or oscillate left/right as they attack.
- Rework the mouse/controller turn sensitivity; mouse sensitivity has a wider range and mouse/controller have a better default setting.
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