Babel - Initial release & known issues

Author: From Steam
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2024
Babel: Tower to the Gods Game Banner
Genre: Indie, Early Access
Developer: Ruce
Release Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2016
Thanks for everyone who's expressed an intrest in Babel: Tower to the Gods!

A few warning about current issues in this build:
On the tutorial, once the tower falls in, please keep your controllers facing away from the tower!
We drop your weapons into your hands a second later, and generally people seem to be trying to poke it with the controllers when this happens, the weapons will spawn infront of the controllers inside the towers an uh, blow it up, usually. Yeah, we'll fix that.

The tutorial intro is really long - We'll shorten this out / add some more stuff for you to do soon!

The clipboard in your hand after the level finishes does not have the correct numbers of it - looks like this isn't updating!

The tutorial is a tad long. You'll have to complete 3 levels, then will be taken to the level select.

When you go to the level select from the tutorial - your placement migtht be off. Walk to the middle of your office - you might have to walk through the desk! (We'll fix this soon)

Achievement messages may replay themselves after restarting the game.

Two right hands - this one is due to us basing the art on Bruce himself who actua- okay not really, we'll fix this one soon! (No guarantees your hands won't be backwards though, if you swap the controllers)

We'll fix these issues ASAP, but we're away for EGX Rezzed for the next few days!

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