Balance Patch | IWC 0.84.1 Beta Patch Notes

Author: From Steam
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2023
Infinity Wars: Animated Trading Card Game Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Free to Play, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Strategy
Developer: Lightmare Studios
Release Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2014

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Balance Changes

Scramble: Cost Increased from 8 -> 9. Removed Exile cost. Text Changed to " Transform any number of target Characters you control into random Characters that costs 2 more."
Scramble as one of Exile's few high cost ability cards could be very exciting to the types of players who enjoy high variance transforms. However its power level, primarily in the disruption of the opponent's board state could lead to incredible swings in even more highly competitive environments where such a high degree of randomness isn't appreciated. Additionally it could also negate a lot of deck synergies or complex gameplans in a single turn. Due to this, Scramble is being reworked to be one sided, and its effect magnified. This also should give room potentially for other Exiles board wipes such as Volatile Genome more breathing room.

Evellee, Mage Guild Recruiter: Decreased stats from 5/10 -> 5/8 and her 2nd activated ability now exhausts her for two turns.
Evellee is a very exciting commander with a huge amount of deckbuilding potential which we have seen be a powerful option in a wide variety of decklists and playstyles. By reducing her health we hope to provide more counterplay options early game, while decreasing the frequency in which she can be activated will lower her power level, but not so much that folks can't continue to experiment with her.

Made Mighty By Metal: No longer has its cost reduced by 15+ Attack Characters in your Command Zone.
While this big Elephant has been performing well as a top-end reward for the 15+ Attack matters archetype, using it as a double or triple Command Zone option leads to it being extremely cheap at too early a point in the game.

Carrion Creeper: Health reduced from 7 -> 6
Carrion Creeper since having its sacrifice ability changed to only working on deployed Characters has been a powerful aggressive tool. However the high health meant it was often extremely difficult to trade off. This change, while seemingly minor, will likely allow for much more counterplay.

Champion's Herald: Removed cost reduction.
While Herald's ability is very telegraphed, the double acceleration of both haste and cost reduction often left very little room for counterplay. While this is a significant nerf to the card, its decent base stats combined with the expanding roster of Unique Characters means we expect it'll still see play in the future.

Cultural Exchange: Changed from Multi Faction to Hybrid purity.
Cultural Exchange was one of the most anticipated casual cards of the Revelations spoiler season. Unfortunately the high purity density of many locations have made the card incredibly narrow. This change still leaves the card at a low power level but allows creative deckbuilders a lot more freedom to experiment.

Defender of the Realm: Changed text to "Defender of the Realm has +4/+4 for each location you control."
A quality of life improvement to go alongside Cultural Exchange now that multiple locations are possible.

Ghost Knight: Text changed to: "When Ghost Knight becomes the target of an Ability, it permanently gains +4/+0 and is Removed until the end of turn."
While having a very unique statline, Ghost knight was in a very weird spot where it was resistant to single target removal, but doing so made it unable to attack, which often achieved much of the same goal. By adding a buff, it opens up a niche for the card to be used alongside Genesis or to dodge board wipes etc.
While we expect the card to still be niche, at least it opens up new options.

Intervention: The targeted Character's cost is now reduced by 2.
Intervention has long been one of the single least played and least powerful cards in the cardpool. Even worse, it looks like it could be used in a flicker/deploy synergy deck, but it was so tempo negative that it was actually a trap. This new version will reduce that tempo loss, and allow for clever plays.

Converted Prototype: Stats increased from 9/11 -> 11/11
Converted Prototype was one of the least played and least picked factioned "Vanilla" (Character with no abilities.) cards in Rift Run. While this card will remain weak, it will be a slightly less embarrassing option.

Luftkrieg Xi, Anti-Air Array: Reduced cost by 1. Changed text to "When an enemy Character with flying attacks your Fortress, deal 4 damage to that Character."
Genesis not only had an incredible glut of Artifacts at 5 cost, this artifact was extremely narrow and didn't even achieve its goal of negating small fliers very well. While more powerful options like Denial of Flight and Anti-Air Missile will continue to be the premium flying hate, this change will give an additional option especially for decks that want a critical mass of artifacts.


General Fixes

  • Card VFX optimizations: Ran a pass over all ability visual effects to ensure they all play at a reduced time, making it feel faster when executing in resolution phase.
  • Fixed the grid card display filtering in the deck builder not accounting for excluding from deck commander rules. E.g. Swarmer Broodlord.
  • Fixed deck builder allowing x4 counts of the first deck card, which exceeded the allowed limit.
  • Fixed 'Artificial' not being searchable in the deck builder when searching by card tags.
  • Fixed the filters not fully resetting when closing the Deck Builder.
  • Fixed commander rules not being fully supported for rift-run drafting. You can now properly draft a swarmer deck, or Bek dragon deck etc.
  • Fixed clicking profile display in main menu not showing the profile screen.
  • Fixed deck builder being openable from other menu screens due to overlapping raycasts.
  • Fixed Rift Run drafting not allowing unlimited counts of cards, including non unlimited cards.
  • Fixed Abandoning a Rift Run match not resetting the win streak quest.
  • Added failsafe for when you draft an illegal rift run deck, prompting you to redraft your deck.
  • Fixed Rift Run drafting including banned cards.
  • Tweaked Rift Run drafting rates.

    Card Fixes

  • Fixed Collector gaining stats from mission cards.
  • Fixed Evolving Parasite transforming into target even if it didn't kill it
  • Fixed Dive freezing the game when used on an Angel while Lilariah, Champion of Grace is on the battlefield
  • Fixed damage redirecting not working with Infect (This fixed Martyr Golem’s death from absorbing
  • Infectious damage not being stolen by the opponent).
  • Fixed Infected Purifier being stolen by Infect death when it transforms when its death replacement effect goes off.
  • Fixed Guard not working when targeting opponent cards for the first target.
  • Fixed Ghost Knight's OnTargetted effect not working when targeted by an Ability card.
  • Fixed Kidnapped by Demons not advancing whenever characters you control are killed from an opponent's Tome of the Dead.

    Hotfix Changes - 0.84.1

  • Fixed Rift Run drafting system incorrectly choosing factions for the pool that are not matching the current commander purities, resulting in hybrid cards showing up way too often.
  • Improved Rift Run drafting pools to better support commander rules that ignore purities for cards. E.g. Bek, Dragon Tamer, Agent Coyle Synergy.
  • Fixed Swarmer Broodlord's commander rule only allowing Insectoid Characters in the deck. Now works properly with Abilities, Locations, Missions, Artifacts.
  • Fixed Ethereal Fusion's token showing the incorrect card art after combining the target cards into a new card.
  • Fixed Low Orbit Ion Cannon exhausting for 3 turns, when it should only exhaust for 2. Also updated description to be consistent with other exhaust abilities.
  • Fixed Champion's Companion not allowing the affected cards that were given Haste to use their Activate ability after it's deployed.
  • Fixed visual bug with the Exhaust 'zzz' display incorrectly showing on cards in the support zone after it's deployed, when it has Haste.
  • Fixed the Lifelink mechanic to only heal the fortress if the damage is combat (This fixed the synergy between Answer the Call and Kraos healing the fortress too much).
  • Fixed Jinhai Dojo allowing its Pay X effect to be used to remove characters even if the player has no resources available. Also add tooltip to list the currently removed characters by Dojo.
  • Fixed resource amount to be properly updated when using resource abilities (E.g. Jinhai Dojo & Siphon Structure)
  • Fixed Ferocity to allow targeting commanders during the planning phase.
  • Fixed Nix, Justiciar of Dawn not allowing targeting of commanders for deployment effect.
  • Fixed Demon of Fear not allowing targeting of your own cards.
  • Fixed Agent Coyle Mechborn's ability allowing unlimited activations in a turn.
  • Fixed Agent Coyle Mechborn's transformed dragon state keeping the activation ability and fixed its description to properly show its keywords.
  • Fixed Hellcaller not filtering for Demon cards when targeting the deck, now making it easier to choose a target.

  • Added new card art animation for Genesis Dragon. This is used for the Dragon token created by The Dragon Project and the art used for the transformed Agent Coyle Alpha One & Mechborn.


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