Patch 1.071 Released

Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 19 May 2024
Game: Chasm
Chasm Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG
Developer: Bit Kid, Inc.
Release Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2018

Hello again everyone! Since 1.066's release I've been sneaking out updates here and there while the porting studio worked on catching the console versions up from 1.035. It added up to be quite a bit in the end since we ran into a few delays along the way and I had extra time to fix and tune things. The above trailer is primarily meant for consoles that were farther behind than Steam, but it should give anyone who hasn't been paying close attention a good idea of what we've been up to for the last year!

1.066 -> 1.071 Change-list:

  • adjusted area sizes and improved generation by moving a couple rooms (new games only)
  • fixed glitchy archer sprites when killed during spawning in Trell battle
  • fixed tiling errors in several rooms
  • fixed walljumping up mines elevator shaft
  • fixed escape key on PC builds
  • fixed player being able to attack if gooped by hanging spider while attacking
  • fixed button labels glitching on some menus
  • fixed save icon not displaying correctly when saving after credits
  • fixed frozen familiars during ending
  • fixed rumble on certain controllers on PC
  • fixed CRT shader on non-16:9 aspect displays
  • fixed king trell spawning archers behind gates
  • fixed some dark rooms missing doorway light
  • fixed bug in unique drop bonus stat picking
  • fixed dark catacombs entrance sawblade damage
  • fixed various map errors
  • merged latest console optimizations
  • increased drop rates slightly
  • increased mana orb acceleration
  • increased mines crushers speed
  • increased controller rumbling intensity
  • reduced max spawns for spawner enemies
  • improved late game basden encounter scripting
  • improved fullscreen behavior for setups with multiple monitors
  • Arcade: increased lantern light radius
  • Arcade: misc tweaks to drop rates, area lengths, etc
  • Arcade: doubled time bonus multiplier
  • Arcade: fixed possible crash on map screen
  • Arcade: status effects reset at end of level
  • updated game controller database
  • updated to FNA 19.09

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