Fateful Fridays Begin Now: Build 1.8.8!

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2024
Fate Tectonics Game Banner
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Golden Gear Games
Release Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2015
Supplemental Update: OS X users may need to uninstall then re-download Fate Tectonics from Steam if having difficulty running the update.

The Golden Gear team has been thrilled with the response from the Fateful to Fate Tectonics, so we’re going to aim for a release schedule of posting updates on Fridays from now on—hence, Fateful Fridays!

Some of you with more finely tuned internal calendars will be scratching your heads asking “but isn’t today Saturday?”

Indeed it is! But we needed a chance to recover from our awesome launch party that our publisher, Toy Temp, put on at our home base at Bento Miso. We celebrated along with other games recently released from our community Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Planet of The Eyes, and Shutshimi! Be sure to check those games out, too!

Upcoming! Beta Builds

For those of you impatient to try out new features, beginning Wednesday, September 23, a beta branch of Fate Tectonics will be available to try between official releases. Within Steam, if you right click on Fate Tectonics in your library and view the Properties, there's a Betas tab for you to access.

You Fateful have been instrumental in helping us tune our game, and we appreciate your feedback. To help keep us organized, please leave any beta comments in the Beta Builds discussion topic in the Steam community hub.

Bug Fixes 1.8.8

  • Get on the mic. The Fates have had some of their vocalizations return.
  • Represent. Toy Temp logo is now visible during the initial title scroll.
  • Revise the resize. Cleaned up automatic resizing artifacts, button bar layout.
  • Seize the day. Fixed most conditions where a Fate will be stuck in inaction when anger bar is full.
  • Stuck on repeat. Fixed a bug where a Fate would use their disaster over-and-over-and-OVER again for an absurdly long time (looking at you Barnacles and Hogweed).
  • Trick of the light. Ensured that Auroara’s lights clear when she clears out.
  • Crash of the titan. Fixed the meteor power to unlock correctly whenever Archaeomagusaurus is summoned.
  • No, REALLY, echo-o-o-o. Fixed the title screen music from playing over the in-game music.

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