Terra illusiones codex 1.00

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2023
Touhou Adventure Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Early Access
Developer: Crimson Games Dev
Release Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021
Year : 2001, Akita, Japan.

On a faithful day of August, on the 12th day of this month, precisely, one sentient being was born, on a local hospital of Akita, this little being was a human, in fact all sentient beings on planet earth are human.

This little human was born from a middle class family, it's a parent had only one child, the one that was just born in a few minutes ago, they both come humble origins, the father working as a salary man and the mother as a caretaker for other babies.

For the following years, the little human kept growing as per usual, went to school, made friends, learnt many things as all little humans should learn, as the little human grew older and older, it tried the local amusement park where it had a few electronic devises such as arcade games.

The now older little human kept discovering places, restaurants, museums, that human had a lot of common knowledge, but it liked learning these things, so it keep learning.

it's favorite hobby being visiting new things, experiencing new stimuli, it wanted to go further, further away from the neighbor of it's town, unfortunately for it, they had no money for travelling, since they're only a school student, and it's parent weren't eager to go, considering that they had to still work.

After going to high school and passing school, the human was now old enough to work aside school to fund it's newly found hobbies, adventures, it took it a while to gain a fair amount of money to be able to travel, it wanted to visit Tokyo, the capital of Japan, a lot, fortunately, it had earned enough money to travel there, so that was what it was going to do.

it went to sleep, impatient to wake up in order to travel there, it was a rough night, due to the fact it couldn't sleep soundly, because of it's eagerness of going outside it's comfort zone, but it managed to get a tiny amount of sleep.

it dreamt about a figure, unknown to it, it swear it was a nightmare but it couldn't recall everything about the dream, it shrug off and continue on the preparations.

As the preparations finished, it left the home and followed the way to the nearest train station, as it embark the train, that it nearly missed, due to the fact it woke up later than expected.

The human so tired of the recent events decide to take a nap on the train, the train's seats were very comfortable, the sit was comparable as sitting on a cloud, the soothing sound of the train rolling on the tracks and the infrequent vibrations of the train made it easier to fall asleep.

As The human fell alseep, it dreamt again, but this time another figure, that was quite rude to it, but as the dream appeared to fade and end, the human suddenly awoken from it's deep slumber, it woke on a forest clearing, not sure where, since it swear it was on a train a second again, but as it slowly realize it was lost, it had no choice but to find help.

And that's where the adventure begging, the Touhou Adventure.

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