20% Funded in 3hrs! Revelations Kickstarter Now Live

Author: From Steam
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2023
Infinity Wars: Animated Trading Card Game Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Free to Play, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Strategy
Developer: Lightmare Studios
Release Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2014
Hey Rift Runners, this is a quick update going out to our IW1 players about us now being live for the Revelations Kickstarter!

After just 3 hours into our campaign and we already have over 20% of the funding goal!

Check out the video linked below for the introduction to the Kickstarter from AgentCoyle:

A thundering round of applause to all you wonderful players who have already pledged to our cause! You are the lifeblood of this project and every single pledge you make during the first few days injects a powerful surge of momentum into our campaign, propelling us higher up the algorithm and inspiring others to join in the action.

We are thrilled to present to you our latest Kickstarter campaign for "Revelations," the follow-up to our highly successful "Intrigue" set, which surpassed its Kickstarter goal by ~10k AUD and fulfilled all of its promises. "Revelations" is a multifaction-centric set featuring micro-rifts that have opened across various realms, enabling contact, conflict, and cooperation between all factions without the need to traverse the Old World.

The 100-card set includes 40 multifaction gold cards, showcasing a plethora of these new combinations and being adaptable to a range of decks. Many of these cards also provide archetype signposting for each combination, making it simple for new players to construct effective decks. If "Intrigue" established the new status quo, "Revelations" is where things truly begin to escalate and become much more intricate.

Here are some of the multifaction cards from the set:

... and for a preview of what you get at the $25AUD tier:

If this reveal of Revelations intrigues you, go visit the Kickstarter here, and then pledge if you wish to support the game and get exclusive perks! Thanks and see you real soon Rift Runners!

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