1SP FREE bonus: The Lost Missions

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 04 May 2023
1 Screen Platformer Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: Return To Adventure Mountain, LLC
Release Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2019
This is going to be fun. All this month I am building new levels within the 1 Screen Universe.

Every Wednesday I will be emailing you a new EXE with 4 new mini-levels. They are short but very challenging.

Think of them as secret bonus content.

But I don't want to just build this alone and release it upon you like some long-forgotten uncle who drops by to stay for the week because he doesn't want to pay for a hotel.

No no!

I want to get your feedback. So once you are done playing the levels I want you to rate them, tell me what worked and if they were too hard.

To play the levels you just need to sign up for my mailing list so that i can send these prototypes along.

Register here:


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