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Space Fuss


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2017-02-28 Genre: Action, Indie, Strategy Developer: NerdyYetis Publisher: NerdyYetis Website:

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Game Description

This is arcade strategy, where you play as a space hobo, who had his cardboard box stolen.

All gameplay is about balance (like rock-paper-scissors), unlocking pets and special abilities. Put right "ingredients" on the battlefield and watch them fight. And if your robots losing - change strategy! Shoot enemy with special ability! Throw pet into the battle! Restart level and take another pet and abilities with you!

- Unit defense. It's like tower defense, but with units
- After completing the game you can continue playing in the endless survival mode
- You can also play it with a friend
- And in case you don’t have any friends, you can play against a bot and imagine that he is your friend
