Battle Princess Madelyn is a game that follows the journey of a young knight in training, Madelyn, and her ghostly pet dog, Fritzy. They set out on a journey to save her kingdom and her family from the clutches of an evil wizard.
What's in the Pre-Alpha Build?
5 stages, 3 main and 2 secret, making up the complete first level!
3 different armor sets, two of which can be found in treasure chests hidden throughout the level!
4 types of weapons, can you find them all?!
An overworld map and the very first town, where friendly NPCs will share advice and give side-quests!
Maddi's treasure room, where there are many collectibles to find already!
This is just a taste of what's to come! For more information on that, scroll down!
Set in the vein of classic Ghouls N' Ghosts and Wonder Boy 3: The Dragon's Trap, the instantly classic and familiar gameplay will transport old-school gamers back to their heyday, and the self-adjusting difficulty will allow for even the most novice of gamer to pick up and play!
Join Madelyn as she battles through graveyards, swamps, castles, the countryside and more! Polished gameplay, breath taking visuals, jaw-dropping dual soundtracks and epic adventures await!
A mix of fast paced classic arcade action with the adventure elements of classic console games from the golden age of console gaming.
Amazingly detailed hand drawn pixel art brought to life by the magical lighting of the Unity Engine.
Battle Princess Madelyn can be played through quickly as an arcade game, or for the full experience stop at towns to help the locals! How you play to complete the story depends on your personal choice!
Find all of the collectibles hidden throughout the stages for extra rewards, and additional hidden stages!
10 levels, each of which include up to 5 stages - including 1 or 2 branching hidden stages!
Fully re-playable stages at any point - if you've unlocked it, you can play it as much as you want!
Combo meters for destroying and juggling enemies!
10 types of weapons which change with the 3 sets of armor found in game!
Up to 10 unique enemies per level!
Your ghostly dog companion, Fritzy, gains powers as you progress through the game allowing you to unlock puzzles and otherwise inaccessible areas of stages!
Special weapons for special occasions! If an area calls for a unique ability, search the area for the needed item!
An original story written by a professional children's author.
A story that spans the globe and time! A story told by her grandfather while she is sick, Madelyn will experience life as her magical portal traveling counter part and will save her family no matter where they are in the world.
Two completely different soundtracks to suit your tastes! Classic Arcade FM/PCM to set the hectic pacing, or Modern Orchestrated to set the mood for the scene!
Arcade Soundtrack by Gryzor87 of Maldita Castila fame!
Orchestrated Soundtrack by John McCarthy of Nintendo Quest fame!
Masterfully crafted pixel art by vetern pixel artist Christopher Obritsch.
Amazing visual cut scenes to help tell the story between the action
Dynamic lighting to add depth to the detailed pixel art!
Madelyn's pet ghost dog "Fritzy" acts as both a weapon and a way to solve puzzles, allowing the player to strategize boss fights and manoeuver puzzles.
When Creative Director Christopher Obritsch's daughter Madelyn wanted to be in Ghouls ‘n Ghosts, and fight “Green Head”, he said it was someone else’s game - but he could make her one that was like it. “But girls can’t be knights, Daddy. Only boys…” she said, to which he answered “Pshh…What color do you want your armor to be?”. The answer was pink 😉 And that’s how this game started. Chris' daughter Madelyn loves the first stage of Ghouls ‘n Ghosts and makes him play it over and over because she wants to see him fight “Green head”, the Shielder boss at the end of the first stage. It’s not hard for her to twist his rubber arm, as it’s been his favorite game since it came out all those years ago.
Madelyn Obritsch - Drinker of the chocolate milk and Honorary Assistant Creative Director - The hero of the game, and the designer of the things daddy puts in the game.
Christopher Obritsch – Known for sitting there and doing stuff like Insanity's Blade, Escape from 85 and a bunch of other crap you probably never heard of, and also an award nominated game developer. Chris is the creator, director and lead artist on the project. Also the father of the Battle Princess.
Daven Bigelow – A published author on game development, and angry university student. He’s an avid player, collector, and maker of games. Daven is the lead developer and slinger of cuss words on the project.
John McCarthy – Master Slayer of Audio, known as the genius behind the Nintendo Quest soundtrack with over 10 years in the gaming industry. John is the Lead Audio Dev and Creator of the Orchestrated Soundtrack.
Gryzor87 - The Retro Audio Destroyer of Planets, known for such amazing game soundtracks like Maldita Castilla, Hydorah and The Curse of Issyos. Gryzor87 is the main man behind the retro soundtrack.