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UPDATE 35 PATCH 2Date: 16-08-2022Version: 1.5.8595This is a small update with several bug fixes, which was reported by our users.The auto shifting had some problem due to a bug / bad configuration d
Dear Revheads,If you want to go fast... Really fast, there are a few things you can do.You can upgrade your...👉 Turbos👉 Superchargers👉 Get Inline staged turbos👉 ...or twin turbos👉 Maybe add extr
Dear Revheads,You can build cars on your PC, but do you know when the world's first car was built?Here are some fun facts...👉 It had a small one-cylinder four-stroke engine👉 The vehicle's top speed
Dear Revheads!The Open World Sale has just been started!We are preparing something new again and in the mean time, grab your copy for 50% discount!Have Fun!
Dear Revheads!We would like to wish happy Lunar New Year to everyone!If you still don't have the game, it is a good time to grab your copy for 50% discount!Have Fun!
Dear RevheadsAnother year is just passed, a very hard one with tons of problems all around the world, yet we are still here and we are celebrating again!Revhead is 4 years old! It's amazing to look b
Dear Revheads,Christmas is a wonderful time of the year when we're thankful for all we have, our family, friends, and the things we love.This year we're thankful that against all odds, we were able t
Date: 28-05-2021Version: 1.4.7985Dear Revheads!We wanted to provide something special to you with a new update aligned to the currently running Open World Sale!Therefor we picked one feature that man
Date: 26-03-2021Version: 1.4.7853Dear RevheadsIt is our Birthday Special Days, as you might know, Revhead turned to 4 years old. While our discount is still on for another week long, we are releasing
Dear Revheads!We wish a Very Merry Xmas for all Revheads out there!Let's close this year with discounts! 50% discount on Revhead 15% discount on Turbo DLC 15% discount on Cabrio DLCMerry Christmas!
Dear RevheadsAfter 5 years, we are aiming for adding new content and new race modes as well as new fun into the game. As the first step, we were looking for a location, where we could concentrate mor
Date: 13-02-2021Version: 1.4.7664Dear Revheads!It's new year and we have something new to show!Towing:Many of you love to work on cars, but you are pretty much limited inside the garage. We want to m
Dear Revheads,There are only 7 days left from Steam's Winter Sale, so if you had planned on getting...👉 Revhead👉 Turbo Pack DLC👉 ...or both in the Turbo Bundle... you have exactly one week left to
Date: 02-07-2022Version: 1.5.8454Dear RevheadsIt's summer time, summer sale and guess what? Summer Sky!We have a significant update regarding our graphics using a better environment setup, including
Dear Revheads!If you like to stand out from the crowd and have something special in your garage, or you just want to support our future development, the new DLC is for you!The new Convertible Pack wi
Dear Revheads!It's been a while you did not hear from us, but be sure we are here and developing the game further!While we are still busy with working on our next updates we have a special price to b
Dear RevheadsIf you are not afraid of some mechanical works on cars, if you like tinkering cars, if you like racing or just drive around with your own custom builds, it's the best time to grab a copy
Date: 23-05-2022Version: 1.4.8311Dear RevheadsWe are proudly presents to you the new Gutta Raceway Park!It is better than ever, it has more race locations and will be our center race park in the shor
Dear Revheads,Quick reminder -- This is the last 24 hours of the Winter Steam sale, you can still grab Revhead, the bundle or the Turbo DLC on up to 25% discount today. 👇https://store.steampowered.c