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Unto The End


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2020-12-09 Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie Developer: Stephen & Sara Publisher: Stephen & Sara Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/600080/Unto_The_End/

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Game Description

You play an average warrior trying to get home to their family. Kill everything you see or look for ways to avoid bloodshed. Sword fighting is challenging and unforgiving. It demands practice and recognition of subtle tells. Likewise, finding peaceful resolutions requires keen observation of your opponents and their surroundings. The choice is yours.

Defense-first Sword fighting
One of a kind defense-first sword fighting system focused on skill and mastery, designed and built from the ground up specifically for 2D. Fight intelligently and strike tactically with your sword and range weapons in fierce one-on-one and group battles.

Opponents not enemies
Each creature you meet is unique. They are scared, territorial and have families, just like you. They learn during fights, better defending against your attacks. And every one of them can be passed without bloodshed if you correctly read their tells and the environment around them.

Minimal handholding
A challenging single-player experience with minimal handholding. All the father's abilities are available from the outset and mastery of those skills, as well as keen observation of your surroundings, are key to survival and success.
