The Tower: Last Stand Game Banner Image

The Tower: Last Stand


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2016-10-26 Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation Developer: Martin Bammes Publisher: d/dx Labs Website:

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The Tower: Last Stand

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Game Description

You are alone in a medieval tower that you must defend against a large onslaught of demonic enemies. Inspired by the, “Tower,” Tarot Card, and the Graphic Novel series, “Heavy Metal,” enjoy your attempts to stay alive in this great HTC Vive game.

Yes, you do get to slay a dragon in virtual reality. That is, if you kill the army and 3 dynamic bosses before that.

But wait, there’s more. You have superpowers. Interact with the entire world and all its weapons in super speed. Adrenaline mode allows you to slow time to a crawl as you slay your enemies with beautiful, bloody, bravado. However, you’re going to need it, given that you are going to encounter spell casting necromancers, acrobatic warrior archer maidens, minotaurs, the scariest knight you’ll ever meet, and of course a fire breathing dragon. This in addition to an entire army trying to kill you.

Another interesting fact: This game contains clues to win one million dollars in Bitcoin. Yes, this game is the second game in a 6 part series that includes clues to find One million dollars. Of course, you have to play to win, and these clues are hidden very well.

If you’re smart, you are probably thinking, “But this is an HTC Vive Game. The very nature of a medieval tower involves stairs.” That is correct. We invented a way that you can naturally walk upstairs in the HTC Vive. Enjoy!
We hope you play our game. We put months of love and care into scaring the crap out of our players Please enjoy The Tower: Last Stand.
