Views: 62
See how Faye travel across ocean on whales!
Witness Faye fight against mecha-tanks and ground troopers with graceful acrobatics!Dev Play 《Drifting : Weight of Feathers》 STAGE - 3 boss fight!
Ver 3.5.5 aim to provide more options for graphics settings throughMenu > Settings > GraphicIf you have an older graphics card or your game's performance is GPU bounded, my advice is to first try to
Streaming Recorded Stage 1 Walkthrough
Witness Faye fight against mecha-tanks and ride on whales with graceful acrobatics!
This is a pre-recorded live stream gameplay of stage 5 《Drifting : Weight of Feathers》Witness how Faye dashing and grapple hook between the beautiful sea creatures. Enjoy!
Witness Faye rides on whale and making her way to the top of the tower!Dev Play 《Drifting : Weight of Feathers》 STAGE - 6
===== 2021/12/21 Ver 3.5.3 =====hot fix: update openssl version from 1.0.1g to 1.1.1 to resolve random crash issue on Intel 10th Gen (and above) CPU
Hello, everyoneI submit a new pricing proposal to Steam and the new pricing will be immediately published after Steam review and submit it.Regions that are effected by the new pricing proposal are as
Witness Faye fight against mecha-tanks and ride on whales with graceful acrobatics!
Streaming Recorded Stage 2&3 Walkthrough
This is a pre-recorded live stream gameplay of stage 6 《Drifting : Weight of Feathers》Witness how Faye dashes and grapple hook and defeat giant boss! Enjoy!
Hello everyone!I'm going to live streaming my game at Dec. 17th (Friday) from 09:00pm to 11:00pm EST ( Dec. 18th from 10:00am to 12:00pm Taipei Time)It will be a complete walkthrough of the game fro
stage 6 walkthrough
===== 2021/12/24 Ver 3.5.4 =====fix: 1-3 summoned soldiers not spawning orbfix: 1-11 combat zone, save point bugfix: 4-6 missile platform trigger audio issuefix: 4-13 floating soldier spawn on roofto
Hello, everyoneThank you all for your interest in 《Drifting : Weight of Feathers》. I like to give you a heads-up that, I will not be able to do game development starting from 2022 February 1st. ~ Apr
Hello everyone.Ver. 3.5.6 is the last (before Apirl 1st.) update for 《Drifting : Weight of Feathers》.Due to my hardware limitation, the newly listed 21:9 resolution is not fully tested. Among these 2
Witness Faye fight against mecha-tanks and ride on whales with graceful acrobatics!
===== 2021/12/20 Ver 3.5.2 =====fix: add option for player to reset default graphic setting before starting the gamefix: 2560x1440 fullscreen mode offset issuefix: add verbose flag to engine.ini for
Witness Faye rides on whale and making her way to the top of the tower!Dev Play 《Drifting : Weight of Feathers》 STAGE - 6