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Added option to enable/disable Vsync, improved pre match loading times, general character, stages and game tweaks, improvements and bug fixes.This patch introduces a bug with the attract/demo mode bu
Head tracking and dynamic eye movement added!
Hey everyone, Thank you all for your support. This launch has been a little more rockier than expected due to the battle load crash issue that some users are experiencing on their computers. Please u
New returning character added to the roster - The Old DrunkardAdded Tag Modevarious bugs and tweaks updated
Added Experimental battle damage update to the advanced graphics menufixed Tang Soo Do's body hair renderingother misc fixes and edits**** Battle blood damage ***** only works on newer graphics card
New patch released, fixing the before battle crash bug, Extra graphic options also added to the game. While this patch has fixed the issue for most users, Unfortunately owners who have a Nvidia RTX c
New stage added with new music, New moves for Tiger, Leopard and JKD
New moves added for JKD, Lotus, Monkey, Ninjutsu and Snake!
Patch update fixes the issue that affected Nvidia Turing graphic cards
Returning Fighter KICKBOXING and his TOURNAMENT stage has been added to the game!Added new character KickboxingAdded new stage TournamentAdded new musicTweaked Wing chun style, removing his unlimited
Return of White Brow!
Various bug fixes and tweaks, edited a few stages
Various tweaks and bug fixes
Added Wrestling character!CHANGED COUNTER BREAK COMMAND TO X YVarious tweaks and changes to the game!Patch 2.3 NVIDIA GPU BUG FIXED
Patch 2.0 Load screen bug fixed
Updated prologues/epilogues, closed eyes during k.o's, load screen update
New returning fighter Snake styleAdded in game combo list