Imagine life in a world without humans or technology - a world where the rules of nature are the only rules.
Now imagine playing an animal's life in such a world!
DoN aims to provide the most comprehensive nature experience gaming has ever seen. To this end, the game has been built at invertebrate-scale (a 0.1 mm accurate micro world) for an unprecedented level of detail. Plants in DoN are not flat props but living, growing entities that flower, pollinate and propagate across seasons like real plants. Finally, each species has unique gameplay depending on its morphology.
Monarch Butterfly
Jumping Spider
Praying Mantis
Ladybug Beetle
Parasitic Wasp
Japanese Tiger Beetle
Viceroy Butterfly
Solitary Bee |
NPCs - Ants, Aphids, Mealybugs, Leafhoppers
Plants are first-class citizens in DoN and expected to play an increasingly important role over time.
Additional species of animals, plants and ecological phenomena are planned for addition once the game's EA goals (read above) have been met. You are welcome to vote for a creature or plant you're excited about for addition in the community forums!