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Led It Rain


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2018-12-12 Genre: Action, Indie, Racing Developer: Ataverti Publisher: Ninma Ltd Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/464610/Led_It_Rain/

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Game Description

Motorcycles, guns, monsters and bikini-babes.

Led It Rain is first person shooter motorcycle driving racing game.

Faster you drive and shoot monsters more score you obtain. Monsters include zombies, devils, skeletons, werewolves, chainsaw-maniacs and hilarious Wheelchair Zombiesᵀᴹ.

Each race track has three laps on such levels as Depot, Crypt, Abyss, Mansion and Swamp.

Led It Rain features music by Electric Deathbeat and a theme song by Maze of Jesse Lane.


Led It Rain 1.022 Hotfix

-Fixed bug on Depot level scores. -Added Loading screens -Adjusted Bloom on end of level hallway -Fixed bug with Bikini babe skins

Led It Rain 1.4 Valentines day update

-new player prefab to easily modify player behavior.-new mounted weapon electric guitar.-mouse look similar to regular fps games.-melee attack with F when enemies get close-mansion level and endgame

Led It Rain 1.1 Remastered UPDATE

Led It Rain 1.1 Remastered UPDATE-New handling for player bike. -Ultimate fix on handling of guns. Functionality of guns better and more accurate mechanics-Placement of guns-Minigun shooting changed-

Led It Rain Halloween patch

Halloween patch for Led It Rain - updated to new version of game engine. Full announcement and patch notes later. Enjoy gasoline flavored strawberry on cake.

Led It Rain Mansion is back

Polished Mansion level that was missing on Valentines day patch

Back to h patch

Returned all levels and endgame after huge overhaul of player engine and object to enable further adjustments and juices to the game. Added sounds for electric guitar but it needs to be better.

Led It Rain Remastered 1.1 SALE

Led It Rain Remastered on SALE now - 50% off. And thats a great price and prize for your holidays.

Led It Rain 1.1 Release

12.12.19 Led It Rain Remastered 1.1. Full patch notes later - many changes. Full game mechanics overhaul. Shooting and driving changed. Bugfixes. Solid gameplay and final gamelogic for first part. En

Led It Rain reMASTERed

LED IT RAIN: Remastered 1.12 is Now Available on Steam and is 80% off for a limited time!Single Player First-Person Driver Shooter. Play as a James Death, protagonist in a mission to cure zombie viru

Steam Scream Fest sale and season event

Play now Halloween themed extra content Led It Rain. Also tell your friends and enemies to get Led It Rain from sale during Steam Scream Fest sale in minus 60 percent. Get ready to scream!!

Led It Rain 1.02 Update

Happy April Fools Day -Red Riding Hood skin for Bikini Babes -Balance of the levels. It is easier to get 3 starts or more for levels. -Updated Funeral level

Led It Rain 1.12 Patch Update

Led It Rain 1.12 Remastered Patch-Bike sounds-Main menu changes-Big Boss Head eye destroyable-New blood effects-Effects overhaul-Depot 123go counter is back-Resetting game goes back to logo fixes bug

Led It Rain Electryfying Valentine

Led It Rain Valentines day main Patch Update ver 1.4311-50% SALEHigh velocity motorcycle shooting racing action. Gasoline and love.4 levels; Burial, Depot, Abyss and Swamp. -Electric guitar mounted w

Led It Rain 1.11 Patch Update

Led It Rain 1.11 Remastered Patch-Ragdolls dont break up-Fixed game getting stuck on death scene-Swamp skull different material-Swamp pigs-Fixed hell slave spawning when paused-Fixed hell bullet effe

Led It Rain Valentines Day Patch 24

Led It Rain Valentines Patch 24. Small fixes in UI and player. Enjoy

Led It Rain 12.12.20

Led It Rain 12.12.20After 8 years the huge update to main game. Overall graphical and mechanical overhaul. As we gear up for Refueled future.

Returna patch

Returna update and patchAfter some tests with the player engine we go back to trusted clicker type aim system that the game is build on.-New prefab player to unify controls and feel for bike on all l

Led It Rain Refueled small patch 1.411

Patch 1.411-fixed bike handle rotation and wheelie-trucks that take away from level on celebration round-small fixes

Led It Rain Refueled

Led It Rain patch 1.4 RefueledNew version of game editor Unity 2019- Game mechanics overhaul. - Shooting mechanics. Bullets and visual now exactly in same place. New visual bullet trail.- Driving mec

Led It Rain 1.03 Patch

-Fixed score Steam Leaderboard functionality -Fixed Tutorial level enemies can now die -Fixed big boss head takes minigun damage