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Music of the Spheres

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No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2019-05-24 Genre: Action, Indie Developer: Hamish Todd Publisher: Hamish Todd Website:

Game Description

Music of the Spheres is a game about solving puzzles with bouncing bullets. It is also about Islamic art, and about sound.

The controls of the game are simple: you can fire bullets in eight directions. The bullets bounce, and when they bounce, a musical note is played. Your goal is to hit some rather intelligent moving targets with your bullets. Here's Rock, Paper, Shotgun:

“There’s a beauty in the apparent simplicity of the design, which like much that is contemplative is far more complex than it first appears. It’s somehow reassuring to play a puzzle game that is entirely disinclined to frustrate, hoping to create mindful, soothing spaces instead.”

Puzzles are designed to show you as many interesting things as possible, as concisely as possible. Nothing is repeated, and nothing is meaningless. Wherever possible, environments are composed to embody some pattern.
