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Infinite Tao

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No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2022-11-30 Genre: Indie, Early Access Developer: insomnia Publisher: insomnia Website: null

Game Description

《Infinity Tao》is a time survival game with Rogue Lite and Auto Chess element, Hold on for thirty minutes in a Land filled with monsters. The game is easy to play with automatic attacks throughout. You only need to control the WASD keys to play easily.

Auto Chess Like Build

  • The three in one Magic Treasure can be upgraded.
  • Gather together Synergies.
  • Over 60 Magic Treasures and 20 Synergies to build unique combinations.

Spirit Stones

It's time to test your ability to choose:
  • Save spirit stones to eat interest and maximize returns?
  • Use spirit stones to break through realms,unlock grids and draw high level magic treasures?
  • Search magic treasures to quickly increase your battle power?

Wide Range of Props

Use them to surround yourself with monsters and delay until the moment you neat combination.



羁绊水(3) 新生的敌人最大生命减少 (3×场上水羁绊法宝数量) %(6) 场上水羁绊法宝弹道数量+50%,向上取整。法宝三星朱雀旗发射间隔改为0.4s功能法宝图鉴支持高亮同羁绊法宝:在法宝图鉴点击羁绊即可高亮同羁绊法宝修复尝试修复日月之晶不触发的Bug


- Bow:(6) +50% ATK for each additional Magic Treasure of the same name with the same star


Character- Han Lin has been changed to an initial character, Han Lin has a 10% movement speed.- New: Xiao BuHuan, Every time you use a Magic Treasure to launch a chopping attack, the chopping attack


SynergiesDi (3) Pickups Range +30%Get Spirit Stone Distance +2(6) Every 3 seconds to trigger the ground sound, ATK 60, Can Get Projectile AddtionInfinite Mode- Upward adjustment of the lower limit of


功能- 新增:点满天赋,将能使用功德刷新功法优化- 法宝高亮,优化为被同名的一二星法宝触发- 更多法宝特效可以被隐藏- 增大地图显示的图标间距,显得不那么拥挤修复- 修复冷却天赋计算错误问题


- 第六张篡天符会使怪物更加凶残- 修复无妄神功冷却计算不正确问题- 隐藏特效功能优化

【1219】Test branch update, Support Gamepad and New Character

- Support Xbox Gamepad(beta)- New Character: QingXia (Water, Fire, Yin, Yang Synergy +1)Download the test branch and take the test1. right click on the game in the steam library2. select the beta ver


- Fix the problem of sound effect failure- Repair the problem of UI text display error- Repair the problem that the CD of is not reduced after startup.- Optimize the English text

【0103】 Game Update

- New character, Xie An-chun (+1 projectile number)- Modified position- CD changed from 3.0s to 2.5s- New Steam Achievement: Destiny Talisman 7(Use 7 Destiny Talisman Pass Void Junction)- Increase


修复- 修复6刀意的Bug修改- 修改一星火鲲眼攻击方向,初始为一前一后,攻击调整为13- 增加玄阴刀羁绊:风- 修改玄阴刀、寒月刀发射间隔,1星2星为0.3s, 3星为0.2s。- 修改三星射日发射间隔,改为0.025s


- New Magic Treasure: Formless Dice- New Synergy : (1) Only when Formless Synergy Active, the CD is fixed at 50%- Modify Synergy : (6) Get Spiritual Energy +40%, The magic treasures of are all Orang


- Support minimizing off auto pause- Pick up item increase invincibility for a short time


- Reduce the difficulty of the first level.- The map no longer shows the spirit stones after 7 usurped Destiny Talismans.- Try to optimize the late lag problem.- probability increased in Infinite mo


- The magic treasure store can preview magic treasures- is now a blue magic treasure- is now a green magic treasure- will be generated closer to the player- Reduce the firing interval of and .

【1223】Gamepad support, New characters, Refresh magic treasures shortcuts

Features- Xbox Gamepad support (will also continue to be optimised)New characters- QingXia: Water, Thunder Synergy +1, CRIT damage +30%New feats- Get Spiritual Technique (+2 to Spirit Stone pickup di

【0120】New Level, New BGM

- Added a new Level: Chaos Ocean.- Add the music of the start screen and each level.- Optimize the performance when there are too many enemy.- The color change of enemy will be cancelled when the spe


人物新增上官红叶 CD-50%,攻击 -40%修复修改了伤害计算方法,修复了触发剑心重置CD和释放时不会计入总时间导致伤害显示不正确的问题。优化6雷造成画面卡顿的问题


Water Synergy(3) Reduce 5% New Enemy Health per water Magic TreasureThunder Synergy(5)10% chance of CRIT thunder around the character on a blast. Damage 30Wind ZhangEach breakthrough gains the effect


羁绊刀意(2) 攻击 +10%(4) 攻击 +20%(增加了5%)(6) 赤炎、寒月宝刀、玄阴刀由跟随角色改为发射其他隐藏特效功能优化


优化- 新增新手帮助(G键)- 隐藏特效功能优化调整- 提升大空界石头怪的击退距离