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Babel: Choice


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2016-02-12 Genre: Action, Indie Developer: Sogoal Publisher: Sogoal Website:

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Babel: Choice

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Game Description

This is a Roguelike game

Babel: Choice is a 2D action-adventure Roguelike game which combines with the elements of RPG and shooting games. In the game, the player will play the part of Alexander, the son of the evil duke, aiming to break through the perilous and capricious Tower of Evil.

The female human Lena was brought to justice by her kin for being in love with the evil duke and then was burnt alive, which made Lena’s lover, the evil duke Rednaxela, extremely furious. For revenge, Rednaxela summoned the demons to go to Babel, the portal to the human world. As the son of the human Lena and the evil duke Rednaxela, Alexander goes to Babel alone to find the truth in a bid to save the humankind. In face of the destruction of the world and the only kinship, what choice will Alexander make?

Main features:

Multiple scenarios

– garden, library, colosseum, Acheron, church, etc.

Random maps

– more then 100 randomly arranged levels to enable the players have different game experience every time.

Various props

– with over 150 active props, passive props, masks, imps, the players can have a joyful prop collection and enjoy the fun accompanied with a variety of props.

Challenge Boss

– besides over 30 kinds of monsters with different behaviors, there are more than 20 kinds of Bosses with different personalities.

Resource allocation

– by reasonably allocating and using limited keys and bombs, the players can obtain more props to grow stronger and stronger.

Hidden elements

– there are many hidden rooms and props in the game. When the players pass a level, a whole new role will be unlocked. Different roles have different characteristics, thus new game experiences are created for the players.

Original music

- Music by Russian artist Stanislav Bulaev (Stallod orch.) and Danish artist Roald Strauss.

Malice from the production team

– if you fail to address the challenge (it is quite possible), you will lose all proceeds, including collected props, your growth, your imps.

Of course, it won’t happen unless you pass the levels. So, can you?


游戏更新 v1.0.3

2016.03.25 v1.0.3 更新 1、支持苹果操作系统即Mac OS X 2、支持窗口化,可自由拉伸 3、重新设计商店 4、增加中文片头CG 5、优化 教堂场景去掉石头障碍物 优化Logo场景 狮子爪子伤害更加合理 主动道具/面具主角需要跑出一段距离,然后才能重新生成道具 优化苍蝇AI 神之射手加入死亡声音 道具增加特效显示 调整神之射手射程,加入死亡、攻击声音 Boss狼人调整伤

《Lonely Hero》Lyrics

1 part I am just another lonely man Meant to be a messenger of fate, I have got a mission and a plan, I'm the one destroying to create. I don't fear danger anymore, I will grow stronger day b


近日收到许多玩家反映游戏过程中会出现闪退。 经过大量测试,结合热心玩家提供的反馈,我们发现开启某些安全、杀毒软件(你懂的)会导致游戏过程中发生弹窗、崩溃、闪退等问题,建议大家在游戏时将杀毒软件等关闭,然后重新开始新游戏。 如有任何问题欢迎随时留言,我们一定尽全力完善本作 ^_^

《Lonely Hero》Lyrics

1 part I am just another lonely man Meant to be a messenger of fate, I have got a mission and a plan, I'm the one destroying to create. I don't fear danger anymore, I will grow stronger day b

Update v1.2.0

2016.11.16 v1.2.0 更新 1.关卡上下楼梯/Boss 传送门/中央大厅 增加按键确定进入 2.游戏增加剧情显示 3.主角受伤增加手柄震动 4.首进入的花园场景增加游戏难度模式(一般模式和困难模式) 5.事件门和怪物 增加外发光做标识 6.花园场景新增新场景 7.商店出售的物品-增加名称、功能提示 8.所有道具显示-增加功能描述 9.增加新手引导(适用于手柄) 10.调整铜

Update v1.2.0

2016.11.16 v1.2.0 更新 1.关卡上下楼梯/Boss 传送门/中央大厅 增加按键确定进入 2.游戏增加剧情显示 3.主角受伤增加手柄震动 4.首进入的花园场景增加游戏难度模式(一般模式和困难模式) 5.事件门和怪物 增加外发光做标识 6.花园场景新增新场景 7.商店出售的物品-增加名称、功能提示 8.所有道具显示-增加功能描述 9.增加新手引导(适用于手柄) 10.调整铜

游戏更新 v1.0.3

2016.03.25 v1.0.3 更新 1、支持苹果操作系统即Mac OS X 2、支持窗口化,可自由拉伸 3、重新设计商店 4、增加中文片头CG 5、优化 教堂场景去掉石头障碍物 优化Logo场景 狮子爪子伤害更加合理 主动道具/面具主角需要跑出一段距离,然后才能重新生成道具 优化苍蝇AI 神之射手加入死亡声音 道具增加特效显示 调整神之射手射程,加入死亡、攻击声音 Boss狼人调整伤