UBERMOSH:BLACK Game Banner Image



No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2016-02-17 Genre: Action, Indie Developer: Walter Machado Publisher: Walter Machado Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/444940/UBERMOSH_BLACK/

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Game Description

UBERMOSH:BLACK is the second volume of the arcade series UBERMOSH.
Cut bullets with your sword, shoot with heavy guns and splatter enemies with a rage fueled psionic wave.

A love letter to the community, Black comes with the "brainclap" feature, a new class mod, more achievements, more enemies, a new ultimate gun and a complex balance to allow 30% more stuff on screen creating an even more intense combat experience, packed in 90 seconds bursts.

Welcome back, to UBERMOSH.



Taste is pretty personal. It took some time, but I finally got the vibe right for the QUICKERFLAK cards. I wanted to illustrate the secret reunions before you start to flak everything. Inspired by

For the Community

Howdy folks! I hope you are all having a pretty decent time! I am working on my largest project so far, not saving on the dark guitar fuzz, heavy contrast, and tribal drums (this explains the laun


Howdy folks! BLOODSAINT Update 0.06 is online, and it brings pretty nice stuff to this development journey! BLOODSAINT moved to 64-bit architecture, allowing more complex animations without breakin


Howdy folks, BLOODSAINT development keeps flowing. Recently I added more vanguard enemies with giant weapons, all based on historical combat and ceremonial blades and, a tier 5 melee variant for th

Please check this one too!

https://store.steampowered.com/app/2620000/BULLETHELL Steam Early Access is pretty magical. Players do not know what they will get. Developers do not know how the finished version will be... and thi

2 YEARS to add MELEE

It took two years to make melee work nicely in QUICKERFLAK. The sequel gets the hunter mass from the RUTHLESSMOD, new enemy classes, and now you can rank up to SSS if you connect with the flow of FL


https://store.steampowered.com/app/2620000/BULLETHELL/ BULLETHELL development is flowing pretty nicely, and today you will be able to play with two new heroes: a KENSAI character bringing the bull


https://store.steampowered.com/app/2998040/BLOODSAINT/ Howdy folks, I have been experimenting with arcade topdown fast-paced minigame designs for over a decade, collecting your feedback and craftin


Howdy folks! BLOODSAINT version 0.03 is online, bringing the "Onslaught Frame" card, a synergic card that changes the frame of your gun to a splitted frame, inspired by the warlock gun from UBERMOSH


https://store.steampowered.com/app/2620000/BULLETHELL Many many thanks for the feedback during this journey! Half artist, half tech guy, ...fueled by your awesome feedback via Reviews and Steam Com


I consume indie stuff. You don't? Weird music with AM static, short movies with shifted hue, fuzz pedals with just one knob, barely functional niched objects... the developer doing its own thing. We


I am still working on it; the plan is to launch it in May. There is an expected delay before Steam approves the title for launch (1-2 weeks to approve Store and Build, 2 weeks+ of "comming soon").


Howdy folks! We live in a neat kind of symbiosis. I work full-time to develop gameplay experiences, you play it, and with your feedback and support, I can tweak my development to meet your expectati


Howdy folks! Time check it! BLOODSAINT is pretty solid, with that straight-forward retro-hardcore minigame vibe. It should had been launched in 94, but it is fresh now and while you shoot stuff I

NU STUFF, finally!

Howdy folks, if you like the stuff I make, please check this one: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1836120/QUICKERFLAK/ Many many thanks!


Do you "mod" your stuff? From changing car mufflers to mirror polishing the edge of my knives, modding was always a thing in my spare time. Modding guitars and pedals pointed me toward the signature


Howdy folks! I hope you are all fine. 24th BLOODSAINT will launch (version 0.01, Early Access); the actual version is pretty tested, it is running super fine, and the game balance is as sweet as it

Version 0.02 EA

BLOODSAINT Version 0.02 EA is Online! Howdy folks! This latest update adressed some community requests, like gamepad support and stuff that I was already working on, like the METAL LEECH, a power

Rank SSS it!

All Early Access update goals are done under the expected time, and BULLETHELL 1.0 is out! If you are a game development enthusiast who checked the early versions before the fat bullets (and just o


Steam Early Access is pretty magical. I have some buddies trying it here in Brazil, and the nicest folks are playing the same game thousands of kilometers away, with similar feedback guiding this u