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Dear mechanics!Update 1.5.1 is up!We are adding a long awaited sandbox to the game. You can choose the sandbox mode while you are creating new profile - there is no way to add it to an existing one.
Dear Mechanics,Welcome to our one hundred and fourteenth development status update.We are coming to you with some news and work in progress update regarding in-game museum editor called by us Museum
Dear mechanicsTank Mechanic Simulator is going to be part of Steam Summer Sale!You can get a copy of Tank Mechanic Simulator with a -71% discount! a First
Dear Mechanics,We are pleased to announce that the release of our Shermans DLC will take place on 6th June!Please visit the already created steampage of our upcoming DLC for more information!https://
Dear mechanics!A new update is out!Update 1.4.2Fixed: a minor optimization fix for player controller Added: more information when generating contracts through Find New Contract button in Email Browse
Dear mechanicsTank Mechanic Simulator is going to be part of PlayWay Publisher Sale 2024!You can get a copy of Tank Mechanic Simulator with a -75% discount!
Dear mechanics!Tank Mechanic Simulator - Shermans DLC is finally here!The DLC includes iconic tanks such as the M4A1 Sherman (Early production), M4 Sherman (Mid production), M4A2 Sherman (Late produc
Dear Mechanics,Welcome to our one hundred and sixteen development status update.We are coming to you with some news and work in progress update regarding in-game museum editor called by us Museum Cre
Attention mechanics!A new bundle has just arrived!Now you can buy Tank Mechanic Simulator together with Unity of Command 2 and Easy Red 2 + DLCs to each mentioned title with -15% discount!Try Normand
Dear mechanics!Update 1.5.3 is up!UPDATE 1.5.3Added: Option to build tanks through crafting menuFixed:Incorrect Tiger 213 name in tank shop Incorrect position for suspension arm pin elements - now ar
We are hotfixing bugs reported by our community after the recent DLC release and 1.4.0 update. 1.4.1 DLC2 Day 1 PatchFixed: Incorrect state of turret material (was fixed by default) Rear lights can
Dear mechanicsUpdate 1.5.4 is ready to play!Update 1.5.4Added: Extraction Location Selector in WorkshopFixed: Christmas tree position Workshop christmas & halloween propsAlso, Tank Mechanic Simulator
Dear mechanicsTank Mechanic Simulator is going to be part of Steam Spring Sale!You can get a copy of Tank Mechanic Simulator with a -71% discount! Supply
Dear mechanics!Update 1.4.3 is out!1.4.3 Fixed: Tutorial prompts for seventh tutorial Contract Tutorial prompts for replacable only parts Tutorial hint corrected for TankAnalisys menu Last tutorial (
Dear mechanics!Update 1.4.4 is ready!UPDATE 1.4.4Fixed: Stuttering effect appearing on displays with a frequency above 90 Hz. On these displays, make sure that Vertical Sync and Physic Update Rate va
Dear mechanics!Update 1.5.0 is ready!UPDATE 1.5.0Fixed: The doors do not open after leaving the panel M18 Hellcat - grille player collision Graphical glitch (pink materials in warehouse) Overview sup
Dear Mechanics,Welcome to our one hundred and fifth-teen development status update.WW2 Games Sale FestWe as DeGenerals S.A. are organizing a military event. A festival of World War II games in a wide
Dear Mechanics,We are happy to announce that we have been invited to Games from Poland festival!The event brings together a wide range of Polish game developers, from the biggest titles to indie game
Dear mechanics!Update 1.5.2 is ready to play!!UPDATE 1.5.2Fixed: Incorrect material state for Tiger213 drive system Little Willie and Little Candy parts are interchangableThanks and have a good one!D
Dear Mechanics,Welcome to our one hundred thirteen development status update.To start with, apologies for being out of touch for so long with development status. Without wishing to beat around the bu