Views: 7
Minor fixes -Edge Scrolling prompt -Setting to mask your directory and user details -Add extra buttons in stock exchange website -Windowed Mode fix -Hacking mini-game should be easier for those exper
Fixes: -Person no longer posts to social media if they are eliminated -Improved responsiveness -Hack mini-game typing fix -Mission: Orlov's Pixels -Improved Zooming -Improved Mission checks -Removed
Fixes: -Detection no longer increases while working on bases. Changes: -Game no longer has a mouse hijack sequence. Some work has also been done to help the final cutscenes for some players. But I
Fixed -Pulse Miami Mission not completing after reload -Improved email response for hack upgrade. now no longer have to 'accept' the task from Izumi, it's automatic. Changes -Re-balanced cool rate,
The official game soundtrack is now available for Omnipresent! Andy
Fixes -Side Scrolling Updated -Mission: US/UK Visas -Mission: EAS Zeus -Mission: Chinese Hacker -Job Website -Hack mini-game typing issue -Saving/Loading (some parts may be fixed but need more det
Just to let you all know, I am reading all the comments and feedback, even if I can't reply to you all. I will be try to address the problems
Fixed -Pulse Miami Mission not completing after reload -Improved email response for hack upgrade. now no longer have to 'accept' the task from Izumi, it's automatic. Changes -Re-balanced cool rate,
Improvements: -Can now hold backspace to delete string of text instead of tapping backspace -Can delete contacts -Repairing base now repairs more health Fixes: -CashGold Website no longer causes cra
Fixes: -Detection no longer increases while working on bases. Changes: -Game no longer has a mouse hijack sequence. Some work has also been done to help the final cutscenes for some players. But I
Minor fixes -Edge Scrolling prompt -Setting to mask your directory and user details -Add extra buttons in stock exchange website -Windowed Mode fix -Hacking mini-game should be easier for those exper
The official game soundtrack is now available for Omnipresent! Andy
Fixes -Crash caused by ending level 3. -End cutscene crash -Tai Song not completing mission after loading save -Some minor path finding issues for land units -Minor text corrections. Changes -
Improvements: -Can now hold backspace to delete string of text instead of tapping backspace -Can delete contacts -Repairing base now repairs more health Fixes: -CashGold Website no longer causes cra
Fixes -Crash caused by ending level 3. -End cutscene crash -Tai Song not completing mission after loading save -Some minor path finding issues for land units -Minor text corrections. Changes -
Fixed: Endings should now play until end for those experiencing issues. -Andy-
Fixes: -Person no longer posts to social media if they are eliminated -Improved responsiveness -Hack mini-game typing fix -Mission: Orlov's Pixels -Improved Zooming -Improved Mission checks -Removed
Just to let you all know, I am reading all the comments and feedback, even if I can't reply to you all. I will be try to address the problems
Fixes -Side Scrolling Updated -Mission: US/UK Visas -Mission: EAS Zeus -Mission: Chinese Hacker -Job Website -Hack mini-game typing issue -Saving/Loading (some parts may be fixed but need more det
Fixed: Endings should now play until end for those experiencing issues. -Andy-