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No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2022-10-31 Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie Developer: Transient Games Publisher: Transient Games Website: null

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Game Description

Delve into a pyramid to catch up with the other researchers but don't get caught when you find yourself locked inside being hunted by an Egyptian God. Break containers to find what you need to survive and escape but stay quiet, Shanubis doesn't like trespassers. Just ask the rest of the research team...

Break open containers to find explosives, ancient healing herbs, and rocks...


  • Stealth: Throw rocks to create distractions, break containers from afar, and knock gems loose.
  • Survival: Use herbs to restore health.
  • Exploration: Blow up walls to create new routes and open secret rooms.

Shanubis has acute hearing, breaking containers and blowing up walls may entice him to investigate the noise so be careful what you break.

Difficulty Progression
As you find the artifacts you need to escape, the game becomes naturally more difficult... you'll see.

Likewise, you can choose to seek out the 4 Lucky Charms that randomly generate on each play-through. Each one you collect increases your luck which affects your chances of finding herbs and bombs.
