Views: 10
Update 1.0.1 is now available. Improvements: - Improved Upgrade Damage Options - Kick Players button is now available :UniversalLove:
Check out our name game C-4:
Please, help us get on Steam with our new title, RED RISK
Update 1.0.1 is now available. Improvements: - Improved Upgrade Damage Options - Kick Players button is now available ːUniversalLoveː
Consider wearing a mask to play. A virtual alien virus COV1D-999 uses dramatic scenes from movies and series in order to conquer your PC. Interact with your desktop while playing, watch Youtube video
Chill out with your friends. Enjoy your time! 3 Pack is now available. Friend UP! ːLivelikeitwasyourlastdayː
Thanks for voting for us! You guys are awesome! :UniversalLove: