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在你下載前請注意:這是一個中文廣播劇檔案,沒有任何字幕,你的電腦必須能夠播放一般的WAV檔。(部分捏他) Please note before you download: This is a Chinese radio drama, no any subtitles, your computer must be able to play WAV files. 如果你猶豫了,你可以在商店頁面試聽
此更新可能會有極少部分玩家檔案遺失,在此深感抱歉。 We are very sorry for those handful of players may be missing files in this update. 更新:部分無法正常運作的bug 如下載後無法執行的玩家請刪除後重安裝試試看 卡片已經在處理中,預計明天處理好。 成就系統一樣在處理中,會儘快完成。 Steam Tr
由製作《雨港基隆》、《五月茉莉》的遊戲團隊Erotes Studio,於今日公開新作《她和他和她的澎湖灣》中英文國際試玩版,並於即日起登上 Steam Greenlight 進行投票。 《她和他和她的澎湖灣》是款以七一三事件為背景的文字冒險遊戲,也將是Erotes Studio成立以來最大規模的製作,希望藉由全面提升的遊戲品質,使玩家能更深刻感受1949年的澎湖在地風光。
"Impasse Journey" Steam"Impasse Journey", This visual novel, set in a post-apocalyptic Taiwan, is poised for its debut on the Steam platform.In "Impasse Journey", the storyline unfolds in the year 20
支援雲端處理,換電腦檔案也可以同步哦。 Sorry, there are only English interface, no English subtitles.
由製作《雨港基隆》、《五月茉莉》的遊戲團隊Erotes Studio,於今日公開新作《她和他和她的澎湖灣》中英文國際試玩版,並於即日起登上 Steam Greenlight 進行投票。 《她和他和她的澎湖灣》是款以七一三事件為背景的文字冒險遊戲,也將是Erotes Studio成立以來最大規模的製作,希望藉由全面提升的遊戲品質,使玩家能更深刻感受1949年的澎湖在地風光。
卡片已經悄悄完成了,或許有些人已經拿到。 因為有人直接反應沒有拿到所以直到剛剛都還在處理,如果現在還拿不到請回應在下面。 Card has quietly done, maybe some people have got. And someone did not get, we have been processed the problem, If you still can not get p
卡片已經悄悄完成了,或許有些人已經拿到。 因為有人直接反應沒有拿到所以直到剛剛都還在處理,如果現在還拿不到請回應在下面。 Card has quietly done, maybe some people have got. And someone did not get, we have been processed the problem, If you still can not get p
此更新可能會有極少部分玩家檔案遺失,在此深感抱歉。 We are very sorry for those handful of players may be missing files in this update. 更新:部分無法正常運作的bug 如下載後無法執行的玩家請刪除後重安裝試試看 卡片已經在處理中,預計明天處理好。 成就系統一樣在處理中,會儘快完成。 Steam Tr
Wang Cheng-En is just an ordinary pharmacist without being on the forefront in cutting-edge technology.At first, he works in Taipei, but he is forced to return to his hometown in Miaoli Empirebecause
在你下載前請注意:這是一個中文廣播劇檔案,沒有任何字幕,你的電腦必須能夠播放一般的WAV檔。(部分捏他) Please note before you download: This is a Chinese radio drama, no any subtitles, your computer must be able to play WAV files. 如果你猶豫了,你可以在商店頁面試聽 the year 201X, Hualian county held a mockery of a referendum to become the Kingdom of Hualian. After the Kingdom of Hualian is established, it had a domino effect where
支援雲端處理,換電腦檔案也可以同步哦。 Sorry, there are only English interface, no English subtitles.