Views: 12
Hi there! A few more tweaks this week... -- Fixed a bug where Gold Rush required a certain amount of money to complete. And some more requested by players... -- Lowered the volume on the 'buzzer'
Greetings TownCrafters, Just a quick one for now, fixing a number of bugs you've reported and making a few gameplay improvements. -- Houses can now be placed one tile apart instead of two. -- A few
Greetings TownCrafters, Just a quick one for now, fixing a number of bugs you've reported and making a few gameplay improvements. -- Houses can now be placed one tile apart instead of two. -- A few
Hi there! A few more tweaks this week... -- Fixed a bug where Gold Rush required a certain amount of money to complete. And some more requested by players... -- Lowered the volume on the 'buzzer'
Hey there! Just a small update to fix a few bugs reported. -- Fixed a problem where some players were unable to get workers to move into houses. (It's a complex bug, however, so if any of you are st
Hey there! Mostly gameplay tweaks this time, with a few small fixes. -- As requested, farmers can now harvest flowers, honey & wax from beehives, and eggs from bird's nests. Please note that laying
Hi there! Another update to start off the week - we're working hard to fix all the bugs being reported. In this update: -- Fixed a problem where farmers could get stuck. They will now un-wedge them
Hey there! Mostly gameplay tweaks this time, with a few small fixes. -- As requested, farmers can now harvest flowers, honey & wax from beehives, and eggs from bird's nests. Please note that laying
Hi there! Another update to start off the week - we're working hard to fix all the bugs being reported. In this update: -- Fixed a problem where farmers could get stuck. They will now un-wedge them
Hey there! Just a small update to fix a few bugs reported. -- Fixed a problem where some players were unable to get workers to move into houses. (It's a complex bug, however, so if any of you are st