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Replaced some furniture upstairs
New UV finger prints evidence3 new entitiesPlease check the image provided in the tutorial to see what UV finger prints evidence looks like
Potential for the hunt to take longer to activate after the first hunt
Removed Halloween decorations If the bad weather is active. There is a 10% chance for a lightning strike to occur which will make the fuse box unusable for a short duration
Added a message into the main menu trying to prompt players to play the tutorial
Dragging a playerGrabbing a playerAppearing in front of a playerRandomly spawned locations for the events
Bringing in the Christmas theme
Dragging a player across the floorGrabbing a playerAppearing in front of the playerAdded more jump scare opportunities within Eagle Street 1, 6 and 7
Filled out the upstairs more
If you want to use the drag mechanic for doors, please go into your options menu under controls currently and tick the box for drag doors else it will be defaulted to click to open doors
Filled out Eagle Street 4 with more furniture. More to come
No need to press 1, 2 or 3 on your keyboard anymore. Just use your mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down to scroll through your equipment
AI can now make hanging paintings fall to the ground and plates can fly off the table. Still more work to do here
When possessed, I have now made it more obvious with screen effects
Filled out Eagle Street 5 with more furniture. More to come
Filled out Eagle Street 7 with more furniture. More to come
When your battery is depleted a message will display to tell you to change the battery for your flashlight
A certain start rotation would make the door swing open in a non-friendly way
Easy and medium difficulty the time it takes for a hunt to begin has changed. Players now have much more time to look for evidence before a hunt begins. Hard difficulty - only 2 items can be picked u
Some Darts will go flying off from the dartboard