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The Floor is Jelly


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2014-05-30 Genre: Indie Developer: Auren Snyder Publisher: Auren Snyder Website:

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The Floor is Jelly

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Game Description

Who hasn't dreamt, at some point, of filling a pool full of jello and swimming in it? In some of us, that dream never died. Some of us kept dreaming: what if the whole street was jello? Or the continent? The world!? The Floor is Jelly posits a universe made of jello, made purely for one's own amusement. No longer need we look to our walls and our floors and sigh, "How solid! How sadly immalleable! How I wish for a world consisting only of Non-Newtonian fluids!" That world has arrived, via the dark magic of videogames, as The Floor is Jelly.

Soundtrack by Disasterpeace available here.


Gamepad Update

Hi all, Today The Floor is Jelly has received its first update in... well, literally years. Good news, controllers should now work as expected! In this update: - Fixed a bug that required players

Gamepad Update

Hi all, Today The Floor is Jelly has received its first update in... well, literally years. Good news, controllers should now work as expected! In this update: - Fixed a bug that required players

Botolo is fighty sportsball from The Floor Is Jelly creator

That is a good look for a competitive local multiplayer game, isn’t it? That’s Botolo official site>, the new game from Ian Snyder, who you might remember for lovely squishy platforme