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No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2021-04-07 Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie Developer: ProjectorGames Publisher: ProjectorGames Website:

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Game Description

Raise the dead, gnome style! Journey through the corrupted lands of Gnomandia defeating the hordes of evil that are spreading through the once-peaceful gnome villages.

Resurrect gnomes to fight for you as you gain experience, level up your stats, increase your gnome army, find and upgrade epic procedural loot and advance through dozens of levels. Adventure alone or with up to 4 players in split and shared-screen coop twin stick shooter action.

Inspired by a love of both Gauntlet and Pikmin, this game marries classic twin-stick shooter mechanics, real-time army management, incremental mechanics with a cheerful Mario Sunshine-style aesthetic.


Spit and polish

Food weighs a lot less, so players shouldn't get trapped by itIf you own FortressCraft, you'll get a free pet. Not balanced, working or optional. Feedback wanted!Implemented a collision force pre-map

Another day, another patch

Fixed a number of issues where some players were dead and some were alive.All bosses now drop Loot Upgrade Tokens.Loot Upgrade Tokens apply equally to all players.Primary Stats for Characters now cos

Achievement patch

Fixed some issues with stat tracking and achievements. This may mean your achievements reset, but re-running the game should force them to unlock again.Updated some FAQ entries after watching a coupl

The end of Early Access is in sight!

So what's new? Final menu screen and front end. Pet selection is currently missing. All major in-game bugs are quashed. If you know of any I've missed, leave 'em in the forum! All skins implemented.


Streaming the game? Let me know!A ton more polish and detail on the first levelBlanked out the game camera when watching cutscenes in resolutions other than 16:9Added army size achievements.Tweaked t

Progress continues!

We've been working hard to get the game out of Early Access. Today's patch should give you complete access to the entire game. Any feedback on any of the new maps is greatly appreciated!On top of tha

Little spit, little polish.

Reworked Treasure Goblin collision so dropped items Removed slightly inoffensive debug message. Oops.Fixed bug with generation of Procedural Loot names where a low-id stat had a higher level the rest


Locked away the skin menu. It's not done! Stop looking at it!Added achievement for meeting (and rescuing) the KingAdded achievement for defeating the Fire Golem, the first proper boss. Cat-in-a-box d

Another day another patch!

I'll be summing up each week's patch notes in a larger post, so if you aren't interested in the daily updates, just wait for the big one!Fixed an issue with depth of field on Medium difficultyFixed a

Week 1!

After a week in Early Access, things are going well. We've been watching live streams and Let's Plays and inviting people to play, and focusing our initial development time on addressing those. Whils

Polish and Speed and Balance - oh my

Added data-driven player coloursAdded XP-bonus drops from Bosses. First player to grab 'em gets the boost!Further work on per-mob healthbars and text placement.Tweaked fog and atmospherics in most pl

New graphics and bug fixes

We've done a pass over a lot of the visual style of the game. This has lead to a bunch of levels having tile transitions that need reword, but look loads better!There's also been a fix to the Pet Ren

Week 2, Patch 1

Fixed some errors when Gnomes shoot at debrisAdded Health Bars. Disable Damage Numbers under settings if they displease you.Added achievements to track how far through the game's completion they are.

Progress continues!

As always, Early Access is a time to experiment, and see what works, and get feedback. The patches over the last week have started to move to a new method of doing tile transitions - this looks great

Polish takes such a long time.

Added the ability for Health Bars to be offset by mob type. Any health bars that aren't in the right place - let me know!Changed upload timing of stats.Changed the Limited performance option to bette

Another day

I plan to keep at a twice-daily patch schedule until the feedback calms down and things are mostly stable. At that point I'm likely to move to 2-3 times per week, as I start to implement the larger m

Final stretch

Fixed achievement for killing VoldarrFixed issue where too many points in Gnome Speed made things go... odd.Fixed issue where dead players continued to stand.Fixed issue where multiple players in sha

New levels, performance boosts and map polish.

After much discussion, I've decided to focus on Pets before Loot. Pets will be stat-boosting and upgradable. How they unlock, how they work has still to be decided, but a hard evening's work and it's

Gnomancer enters Early Access

After 7 months of hard work, I'm very proud to announce that Gnomancer is finally available to buy. The 3 of us here at ProjectorGames are super-happy with how the game's gone, and we'll be working h

Early Access launch date - 12th of November!

The title says everything. I also just did a patch with the following changes:Added Limited option for Vsync. This will limit the game to 30 fps. This is best used for keeping Laptops cool, and can a