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Hotfix v1.93Bug Fix Fixed critical game freezing bug when opening the data details window
Bugs fixed Fixed another game breaking bug where it would cause the game to freeze and close to desktop. We will continue to work on v1.9.x quality of life improvements and publish the roadmap update
Hello all, and thanks for your patience! I am sharing an update on Quarter II's expected release in the link below
Thanks again for your patience! We have updated the website for the game and you can now view the updated road map. For now, we have updated quarter 1 and will update quarter 2 shortly. We will then
Quarterly update IFeatures added Notification system - We have added the foundation of our notification system (1st pass). Now when certain events happen throughout the game, you will have a notifica
Update 1.9.9The update was released on Sunday evening. These notes are a bit delayed. Thanks for your patience!New Features added UI updates to the product management window Marketing insights added
Bug Fixes Fixed a bug where you could move or delete a printer while it was in use by an employee. Fixed a bug where employee skills were not persisting. Fixed a bug where employees would be abl
Hello Everyone!The first update of the new year lacks bells and whistles to be direct and up front. However, this update is essential to the upcoming updates throughout the rest of the year. We have
New Additions Added employee functionality for the following roles Marketing Refactoring - The code refactor for marketing employees took into account feedback and optimizations aimed to improve
Hello everyone, As you might have noticed, updates have been very sparse lately. There is a reason for that, but I would like to formally apologize for the lack of communication. This year has been c
Hello everyone, We apologize for the long delay in communication and updates. As promised, development has picked back up again with a change to the release schedule. We are back at it for the new ye
Hello executives, The upcoming June update will be slightly delayed for 1 week. We are working on finalizing and testing a few remaining employee UI and functionality before release. We will also
No update for the month of July There will be no update for the month of July. We apologize for any inconvenience, however unforseen circumstances have delayed specific efforts taken in the earlier
New Additions Added employee functionality for the following roles HR Recruiter - these employees are now responsible for the candidates you are able to recruit. They perform weekly scouting to i
Hello everyone!Today we wanted to share a development update. After a lot of thought and evaluation, we have decided to move to a quarter update release schedule. The reason behind this is both simpl
Bug Fixesversion 1.9.4 -> 1.9.6 Fixed budget UI window slowing down or freezing the game Fixed Data UI window slowing down or freezing the game Fixed issues with customers purchasing products Fixed i
Hello everyoneI know updates have been VERY limited, and that is by design. I don't want to speak about updates until they are ready. There has been a great amount of work performed over the past yea
Hello everyone, Thanks for the continued support for this game. Without wasting any time, I want to share a development update. The last two months have been very light on updates and information. Pr
Hi everyone!We hope all is well with you and your family and friends. The world is in an interesting place these days, but being an optimist and one of positivity, I hope that you all are okay and ha
Hello everyone, I must start out with an apology, as I have not communicated with you at all the hard stop in development that took place over the last 2 years. I was unable to continue working on th