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The GDC War Train of Impossible Enrichment trundles on, and RPS is on the scene with gusto, aplomb, and a stuffed lion. Each day this week, I’ll be gathering impromptu panels of colossal brains
Incredipede is Now Available for both PC and Mac and is 33% off*!This game was picked with help from the Steam Community. To vote for other games you’d like to see made available on Steam, plea
Read about Sarah Northway's new game I Was a Teenage Exocolonist on the official Northway Games site. Newest post: Growing Up in Exocolonist: what will this game be about?
There are so many Humble Bundles now! Why, back in my day, we had to wait 1417 years (uphill, in the snow, beset on all sides by lackluster deals and also wolverines) for fresh bowls of piping hot ge