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Gust of Wind


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2022-10-22 Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Early Access Developer: Wrenchpunk Games Publisher: Wrenchpunk Games Website: null

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Game Description

Gust of Wind is a stealth game made in the spirit of old school immersive simulations. HUD is very minimal, and the experience is as realistic as possible. Stay out of the torch light of the enemies, but take advantage of carried light sources when you need them on the pitch black corridors. Avoid making loud noises not to capture the attention of a nearby enemy, unless you want them to abandon their post for a moment.

Battles in Gust of Wind are hectic and usually end quickly. In open spaces, there may be room to dodge roll and jump out of the enemy's reach, in cramped corridors you better have a more effective bludgeoning tool than the opponent.

While the mutant gulls have forgotten how to fly, the main character sure knows how to climb. In the rusted sail ships, abandoned mines and other industrial environments, there are lots of climbable objects for a agile intruder to cling to, perhaps to take a shortcut or just to wait for a passing guard. Sails ships have a multitude of ropes, and the game aims to make climbing them and switching between them as handy and intuitive as possible.

The makers of industrial age machinery have been extinct for a while, and mutant gulls have taken over. Scavenging the lands for pneumatic machinery, they are learning the secrets of technology, while bracing themselves against a threat of "redscarves" - a tribe of gulls getting more numerous while clamoring lands in the name of their leader. Against this post-apocalyptic backdrop, a team of soldiers is sent across seas to a mission to find a compressor to power the ancient pneumatic war machines defending their home town. Far from the pleasant pastures of home, the loyalties of soldiers are tested under the ever-growing influence of the redscarves across the seas. The player character is the stealth expert of the crew, sent on missions to scout enemy bases, do larceny and commit sabotage.

Even though there's no such a thing as a humanoid mutant gull experience, Gust of Wind aims to deliver it with impeccable realism. Fighting is to be avoided, the player character being almost as weak as the enemies, maps have no interactive markers, and side characters have their opinions about excessive murdering.


Developer Live Stream

The main dev playing through the demo and a bit of the 2nd mission.

Developer Livestream

Developer playing through the demo and showing a bit of the second mission. Put on your thief hood and join the burglary!

Demo build update

When stealth fails and push comes to shove, dual wielding weapons is now a viable option for bludgeoning enemies at double speed. There's also just less overall jank related to battle and carrying ob